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"I wouldn't have said anything about it, if it hadn't leaked out." Jessie took this rebuke to herself, and flushed, as she rattled on: "I guess it was no more than mere 'sorehead' talk on Phin Drayne's part, anyway. Mr. Drayne said he had saved a good deal of his pocket money, lately, and that he was going to win more money by betting on Gridley's more classy opponents this season."

Yet Filmore, too, had her hosts of boosters here today, and their yells all but drowned out the spirited music. "Here come our boys! Gridley! Gridley! Gridley! Wow-ow-ow!" "Hurrah!" Then the home boosters, who had read Drayne's name on the score card took another look at their cards -next rubbed their eyes. "Prescott at left end!" yelled one frenzied booster. "Whoop!"

Phin scowled fiercely for a moment, before he added: "And, by glory, I will do something to him! I'll take the conceit out of Dick Prescott!" At first it was only the purpose that formed in Drayne's dark mind. But, by dint of much thinking, he began to feel that he saw the way of working to Prescott's complete disgrace. Dick, in the meantime, was still writing occasionally for "The Blade."

Morton, taking hold of Drayne's nearer elbow. Phin turned white now. He went along, saying nothing, until Mr. Morton halted by the outer gate. "Pass through, Drayne -and never let us see your face inside this gate again." "But why? What " "Ask your conscience!" snapped back the coach. "You'd better travel fast! I'm going back to talk to the other fellows!" Mr. Morton was gone.

He told what the reader already knows, producing several of the copies returned by the honorable captains of other school teams. Then Mr. Morton put in evidence, with these copies of the code, copies of business letters received from Drayne's father, and presumably written on the Drayne office machine.

Drayne's conduct put Prescott on the gridiron, didn't it? That was what saved the score for us." At the time of Grace Dodge's great peril, her banker father had been away on a business trip. It was two days later when word was finally gotten to the startled parent. Then, by wire, Theodore Dodge learned that Grace's condition was all right, needing only care and time.

You will note that the sender, while understanding something about the use of a type machine, was plainly a novice in directing an envelope on the typewriter. So he addressed this envelope in handwriting. Here is the envelope in question, and here is one of Mr. Drayne's school examination papers, also in his own handwriting. I will ask the members of the Board to examine both."

Still others, under Greg Holmes, were practicing punt kicks. Drayne's face was flushed, and, though he strove to hide the fact, there was an anxious look there. "I didn't quite understand, Drayne," continued the young captain of the team, "that you were to take a very important part this year." "Pshaw! I'd like to know why I'm not," returned the other boy hotly.

Outside, the band started upon a lively gallop. The crowd began to cheer. It started in as a Gridley cheer. Then, above everything else, rang the Filmore yell of defiance. Just at this moment Coach Morton strode into the room. Almost in a twinkling he learned of the new complication that had arisen. "Captain Wadleigh, who is to play in Drayne's stead" demanded the coach rather briskly.

Moreover, working on Dick's suggestion, Mr. Morton busied himself with securing several letters that had been received from Drayne's father. These letters were compared, Friday evening, with the copies of the signals that had been sent to other elevens.