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The vast distance which separated their bodies from Sanus was annihilated, literally as quick as thought. Neither of the four stirred. To all appearances they were fast asleep. The room was quite still; only the clock ticked dully on the wall. Down-stairs, the doctor's wife kept watch over the house. The greatest marvel in creation, the human mind, was exploring the unknown.

"I thought the day would never break. I I wonder how long it will be before Grif will be reading his letter?" "He may get it before nine o'clock," answered Aimée; "but don't trouble about it, or the day will seem twice as long. Take Tod down-stairs and wash and dress him. It will give you something else to think of." The wise one herself had not slept well.

"You'll find water and towels on the porch down-stairs, and then you can come straight in to breakfast." They heard his step passing down the hall to the stairway, where it died away, and then they dressed deliberately. On the porch they found the water and towels as Simpson had said, and bathed and rubbed their faces.

Meanwhile, permit me to remind you that 'tis inexpedient to loiter in these parts, for the parson will presently be at hand; and if it be to inter rather than to marry Lord Humphrey well, after all, the peerage is a populous estate! But, either way, time presses." "Come!" said she, and took my arm; and together we went down-stairs and into the street. On the way homeward she spoke never a word.

Now, while Betty was down-stairs, helping with a few last details, Lloyd took advantage of her absence to search all the boxes in the closet and drawers of the sewing-room, but the missing turquoise was not in any of them. "I know I ought to be taking a beauty sleep," she thought, "so I'll be all fresh and fine for the evening, but I must find it, for I promised Phil I'd wear it."

Whilst Booth poured forth his gratitude for all this kindness, the serjeant ran down-stairs for the bailiff, and shortly after returned with him into the room. The bailiff, being informed that the colonel offered to be bail for his prisoner, answered a little surlily, "Well, sir, and who will be the other? you know, I suppose, there must be two; and I must have time to enquire after them."

Then she rushed down-stairs again, lighted the fire, and began to boil water and to get flannel for hot compresses. Dale came down to the kitchen presently, and said that his wife was feeling easier; the brandy had done her good. Then, the anxiety having lessened, his attention was held by Norah's scanty attire.

'His plate were down-stairs, full o' victual; a seed Measter Hepburn a-walking briskly before me as a left Monkshaven. 'Here he be, here he be, called out the other man, dragging Daniel out by his legs, 'we've getten him. Daniel kicked violently, and came out from his hiding-place in a less ignominious way than by being pulled out by his heels.

Then the door was unlocked, thrown open, and the master said loudly, "Burr junior, the Doctor wishes to see you in his room." My heart began to beat heavily as I followed him down-stairs, and then through the door on to the front staircase with its thick carpet.

There it hangs, calm and imperturbable. Were it an ordinary instrument, that would be its last hour. You would go straight down-stairs, get the coal-hammer and the kitchen-poker, and divide it into sufficient pieces to give a bit to every man in London.