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The long journey of the afternoon and evening; her timidity and revulsion of feeling; its culmination on reaching London; the crossing over to the down-platform and their immediate departure again, solely in obedience to her wish; the journey all night; their anxious watching for the dawn; their arrival at St. Launce's at last were detailed.

When they parted in the evening he had already begun to think of the preparations to be made for his journey Eastwards. A few weeks later a little knot of friends stood together one morning on the down-platform of the Tecumseh station, waiting for the train to come in.

When they parted in the evening he had already begun to think of the preparations to be made for his journey Eastwards. A few weeks later a little knot of friends stood together one morning on the down-platform of the Tecumseh station, waiting for the train to come in.

Hilda's caprices were accepted in that house like the visitations of heaven. Edwin and Janet stood together on the windy and bleak down-platform of Knype Station, awaiting the express, which had been signalled. Edwin was undoubtedly very nervous and constrained, and it seemed to him that Janet's demeanour lacked naturalness.

The people had a preoccupied, hurried air. Only at the window itself, when the ticket-clerk, having made me repeat my demand, went to a distant part of his lair to get my ticket, did I detect behind me a wave of impatient and inimical interest in this drone who caused delay to busy people. It was the same on the up-platform, the same in the subway, and the same on the down-platform.