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He entered the little outer office he had left so down-heartedly three years before. Harvey and his two assistants sat on the high stools in front of the shelf-like desk. The same pictures of record loads, large trees, mill crews and logging camps hung on the walls. The same atmosphere of peace and immemorial quiet brooded over the place. Through the half-open door Bob could see Mr.

We stumbled on like machines because our spirits willed it so, but truly at times the weariness of the body was like to master the spirit. "We must come across something in time," I tried to cheer him with feeling little cheer myself. "If it's only the hole they'll find our bodies in," he said down-heartedly.

A fine, drizzling rain was falling, and Sally, tired from her hard work of the day before and the long duels with the horses of the posse, went even more down-heartedly moody than usual, shuffling wearily, but recovering herself with her usual catlike adroitness whenever her footing failed on the steep downslope. For all her dullness, it was a signal from Sally that saved Andrew.

I won't go to anybody else, if they ask me ever so much. And I'll stay quite a long time, too, and I won't be any trouble." Upon this compact we parted, and I went down-heartedly from the man who understood me, back to the house where I never could do anything right.

He took it, looked upon it with a start; and then, still without speech, he put his hand before his face. She waited for a word in vain. 'What! she cried, 'do you take the thing down-heartedly? As well seek wine in a milk-pail as love in that girl's heart! Be done with this, and be a man. After the league of the lions, let us have a conspiracy of mice, and pull this piece of machinery to ground.

He took it, looked upon it with a start; and then, still without speech, he put his hand before his face. She waited for a word in vain. "What!" she cried, "do you take the thing down-heartedly? As well seek wine in a milk-pail as love in that girl's heart! Be done with this, and be a man. After the league of the lions, let us have a conspiracy of mice, and pull this piece of machinery to ground.