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"I'm double-crossed," said John Flint, soberly and sadly, "Anyway I look at it " he swept the horizon with a wide-flung gesture, "it's bugs for mine. I began by grannying bugs for him," he tossed his head bull-like in my direction, "and I stand around swallowing hot air from you " He glared at Laurence, "and what's the result? Why, that I've got bugs in the bean, that's what!

The bloated, purplish face of Katz was bathed, his limbs were rubbed, and gradually his condition, physical and mental, became more normal. He peered at Burton with blinking eyes. "Thank you, Hank?" he asked. "Yes, it's Hank." was the taunting response. "How do you like bein' double-crossed? You and Wynn put the kibosh on me, and here you've got a taste of it yourself."

"If that theory is correct, it makes Nita Selim a pretty low character," Dundee mused aloud. "Not only did she kick him out as a lover, but she double-crossed him as her partner in crime, by willing the whole wad to Lydia Carr. Sprague must have received quite a shock when he heard Nita's will read at the inquest." "Yeah," Strawn agreed. "It looks like Mrs.

So delicately was the dictograph adjusted that John heard Cummings draw his breath sharply. "I've been double-crossed before," he said, "by men a damn sight smarter than you are." "I'll simply repeat what I just said to you," retorted Gibson. "I'm working with you because I want what you have to give me, not because I'm afraid of you or anyone else."

"And you are wise, so far as I am concerned," said the gentle Jean. "For if you double-crossed me, I should hand the police the name and address of your other wife who is still living." His jaw dropped. "Wha what?" he stammered. "Let us join the ladies," mocked Jean, as she rose and put her arm in his. It pleased her immensely to feel this big man trembling.

"Now come out with it, Gaspar. You double-crossed this Cartwright, eh?" "Yes," whispered Jig. "Will you tell me? Not that I make a business of prying into the affairs of other gents, but I figure I might be able to help you straighten things out with this Cartwright." He made a wry face and then rubbed the side of his head where a lump was slowly growing.

While many runaways settled in Rochester, others boarded steamers for Canada where they would be beyond the reach of the law. Douglass came to play an important role on the Underground Railroad, in the life of Rochester and, through "The North Star", among Northern freedmen. Garrison felt double-crossed when his most important cohort in the Afro-American community struck out on his own.

Therefore, Vermilion crouched beside his camp-fire and cursed the slowness of the coming of the day. For well he knew that when a man double-crossed Pierre Lapierre, he must get away with it or die. Many had died. The black eyes flashed dangerously. He Vermilion would get away with it! He glanced toward the sleeping forms of the five scowmen and shuddered.

"It WAS a pretty good country," Bert replied, "when we was all Mohegans. But not now. We're jiggerooed. We're hornswoggled. We're backed to a standstill. We're double-crossed to a fare-you-well. My folks fought for this country. So did yourn, all of you. We freed the niggers, killed the Indians, an starved, an' froze, an' sweat, an' fought. This land looked good to us.

"We've been double-crossed," said Masters, still looking at the girl. "I was going down the gulch the way we planned. I come to the narrow place where the cliffs almost touch, and right off the wall above me drops a wildcat. I thought it was a cat at first. And then I found it was Donnegan. "The way he hit me from above knocked me off the horse. Then we hit the ground.