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No note had been sent to him, and it seemed necessary to concoct some scheme to decoy him from his room, because any attempt to drag him out would probably bring one of the professors down upon the scene. Tug had an idea; and leaving three of the seven to guard the door, he took the other three and hurried to the dormitory where MacManus roomed, and threw pebbles against his window.

The modern building which stands near the northern transept of the church of Saint-Ouen was the dormitory of the monks. It is now the town hall. The offices occupy the ground and first floor, the library and gallery of paintings the second. The great stair-case is remarkable for its elegance and lightness; it has been compared to that at Somerset house.

North who, amongst other vagaries not approved of by his bishop, had a habit of prowling about the prison at unofficial hours was attracted by a dispute at the door of the dormitory. "What's the matter here?" he asked. "A prisoner refractory, your reverence," said the watchman. "Wants to come out." "Mr. North! Mr. North!" cried a voice, "for the love of God, let me out of this place!"

The School will understand this, the same being the condition of the new Freshman dormitory. The walls were to thin, and so were the floors. The Doors shivered in the wind, and palpatated if you slamed them. Also you could hear every Sound everywhere. I looked around me in dispair. Where, oh where, was I to find my cherished solatude? Where?

Each room has two windows, glazed and also covered with wire gauze to exclude insects, and a latched door. Chimneys rise above the roof, which is of timber covered with tarred felt. According to regulation, the number of occupants of each chamber depends upon their grade. Officers up to the rank of captain are quartered four in each dormitory; captains three, and colonels two.

Should the water creep up from the river, even to the west side of the dormitory, a great wing extended to the east and avenues of escape would remain open. The girls overheard Doctor Weldon's words. They were not alarmed. They understood the conditions perfectly.

His cot was next to mine in the dormitory; we became close friends. We passed our examinations, left Flatbush at the same time, and entered college together. In the meanwhile the boy's relations with his guardian were limited to a weekly exchange of letters, those of the uncle invariably beginning with "Yours of Saturday duly at hand," and ending with "Enclosed please find."

Me git you spear, hatchet very quick; but com." So saying, she dragged rather than conducted March to the little opening which led into her dormitory. He had to stoop on entering; and great was his amazement on finding himself on the brink of a black yawning gulf, that seemed to descend into the bowels of the earth.

But Joel's cup was not yet filled. When he returned to the dormitory after supper, he found two missives awaiting him. You are to take the place of Post at L.H.B. It will be necessary for you to report at the gym at eleven each day for noon signals; please arrange your recitations to this end. I am writing this because I couldn't see you this afternoon; hope you are all right. Yours,

"You'd better come along." March shook his head. "I guess not to-night. It's most supper time, and I want to read a little first. Good-night." "Good-night," answered West. "I'm awfully much obliged for what you did, you know. Come and see me to-morrow if you can; Number 2 Hampton. Good-night." Joel March turned and retraced his steps to his dormitory.