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A shuffling stopped at the door, while a chilling fear took possession of me lest the mutilated form of my other Indian should next be hurled through the window. I had not time to shoot the door-bolt to its catch before a sharp click told of lifted latch. The hinge creaked, and there, distinct in the starlight, that smote through the open, stood Little Fellow, himself, haggard and almost naked.

In the twinkle of an eye Irene drew the brass door-bolt, and with face turned toward her mother, with cheeks which flushed immediately, she took Malvina's two hands in her own. "Enough of these secrets, of things partly said, and of barriers raised between our hearts and lips." This hurried whisper burst from her like a current from a covered vessel filled with heat and opened suddenly.

But as he drifted off into a troubled dreamland, he heard the door-bolt throb into its socket, and knew that he was fastened in. Next morning Carew donned his plum-colored cloak, and with Nick's hand held tightly in his own went out of the door and down the steps into a drifting fog which filled the street, the bandy-legged man with the ribbon in his ear following close upon their heels.

For the third time he waited and listened. In a pause of silence among the cattle, he heard behind him, on the opposite shore of the channel, faint and far among the solitudes of the Islet of the Calf, a sharp, sudden sound, like the distant clash of a heavy door-bolt drawn back. Turning at once in the new direction, he strained his eyes to look for a house.

Another moment, and the clang of the door-bolt was heard again, the red spark of light was quenched in darkness, and all the islet lay quiet in the shadows once more. The lowing of the cattle on the main-land ceased, rose again, stopped.

She stopped at sight of him, her hand on the door-bolt, and they stood for a second without speaking. "Have you seen Effie?" she suddenly asked. "She went out to meet you." "She DID meet me, just now, in the court. She's gone on to join her brother." Darrow spoke as naturally as he could, but his voice sounded to his own ears like an amateur actor's in a "light" part.

All three listened silently Noémi, Dodi, and the dog. The steps come quickly nearer. Ah, now all three recognize them! "Papa!" cried Dodi, laughing. Noémi hastened to cut the rope which fastened the door-bolt with her sharp knife, and Almira raised herself on her fore-feet and suddenly gave utterance to a bark. The next moment Michael had Noémi and Dodi in his arms.

With such an instrument it is child's play, if the hole has been made where it ought to be, to touch the bolt on the inside from the outside, pick the knob on it, withdraw it, and open the door if the bolt is like this one, a small door-bolt." "Oh, oh, oh," moaned Matrena, who paled visibly. "And that hole?" "It exists." "You have discovered it?" "Yes, the first hour I was here." "Oh, domovoi!

That implement he had fashioned for himself with infinite pains out of a door-bolt some twenty inches long, which he had found discarded in a rubbish-heap in a corner of the attic where he had been allowed to take his brief daily exercise. Using as a whetstone a small slab of black marble, similarly acquired, he had shaped that bolt into a sharp octagonal-pointed chisel or spontoon.