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P. S. say boss dont forgit to hustel that coin ile shure make it right with you i forgot to tell you that i got cleaned out by a card sharper here i would have tore him apart but about a million sheriffs piled onto me an i dident have no chancst what in hell does any town need with so many sheriffs. "Weary. "P. S. id like to be home for the round-up but reckon i wont make it. "Weary."

"I will forgive him." "Les âmes dont j'aurai besoin, Et les étoiles sont trop loin; Je mourral dans un coin." How Hugh shook off Lady Newhaven when she followed him out of the Palace he did not know. There had been some difficulty. She had spoken to him, had urged something upon him. But he had got rid of her somehow, and had found himself sitting in his bedroom at the Southminster Hotel.

BARNABAS. They would have made the British Islands bankrupt if theyd won. But you dont care for that; you care for nothing but being popular. BURGE-LUBIN. Oh, well: I shouldn't worry if I were you; for most people complain that there is not enough work for them, and would be only too glad to stick on instead of retiring at forty-three, if only they were asked as a favor instead of having to.

When, like the Russians, our Nihilists have it urgently borne in on them, by the brute force of rising wages that never overtake rising prices, that they are being Naturally Selected for destruction, they will perhaps remember that 'Dont Care came to a bad end, and begin to look round for a religion. And the whole purpose of this book is to shew them where to look.

Then, seeing her cousin slowly going to the door, she said: "You dont really mean to go on such a fool's errand to Marian, George?" "Elinor!" cried Mr. Lind. "What else is it?" said Elinor. "You asserted all your authority yourself this morning, and only made matters worse. Yet you expect her to obey you at second hand.

Drive on, will you" up at the cabman, who was looking down through the trapdoor. The horse plunged forward, and, with the jolt, she was fawning on Marmaduke's arm again, saying, "Dont be brutal to me any more, Bob. I cant bear it. I have enough trouble without your turning on me." He was young and green, and too much confused by this time to feel sure that he had not been the aggressor.

"Halloo! halloo!" shouted his attendant, "help! help!" and he got at both bells and rang away with might and main; but before any one came the banker was out of bed, struck his attendant a blow in the eye, which made him see one hundred and forty-six suns, and laid him upon the floor, after which he commenced waltzing en chemise in his delirium, all round the room with a chair, dragging after him the unfortunate hero of the pestle and mortar, and roaring at the top of his voice these lines of Racine: Peut-être on t'a conté la fameuse disgrâce De l'altière Vasthi dont j'occupe la place, Lorsque le Roi, centre elle enflammé de dépit,

It begun Mister Moddirator had i supposed, or for 1 moment dremp that i a humble offis holder under this glorious government, wood have been called upon to speak, i shood have remained at home with my wife and my children. i said, if you dont want to make a speach why dont you stay at home that nite, and he said 1 more word from you sir and you go to bed. so i dident yip again.

C'est avec beaucoup d'intérêt que nous avons appris le mérite qu'en qualité de membre dirigeant de la Société de la Mission, vous avez acquis, ainsi que vos co-directeurs, et les effèts salutaires que vos louables travaux ont produits et partout votre influence a pu atteindre. Particulierement informés qu'en votre dite qualité vous avez contribué a effectuer bien des choses utiles, dont l'établissement

«Le penchant qui borde ce vallon du côté de l'est n'est creusé que par quelques ravins très-inclinés, dont les eaux se précipitent en écume et disparoissent, avant d'arriver au bas de la montagne, sous l'ombre des bois et d'une foule d'habitations rustiques: mais le penchant de l'ouest, plus profondément excavé par les torrens, présentent les issues de trois autres vallées, dont les deux principales vont prendre leurs origine aux limites de l'Espagne; l'autre, plus voisine de la plaine, est