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Donnell. . . accent on the last syllable . . . and St. Clair . . . on no account Jacob. You'll remember? THANK you." When Mrs. H. B. DonNELL had skimmed away Anne locked the school door and went home. At the foot of the hill she found Paul Irving by the Birch Path. He held out to her a cluster of the dainty little wild orchids which Avonlea children called "rice lillies."

"This is one on us," remarked Cole, as he helped to drag the engine around. "I'd like to wallop Chester." "So would I," declared Bert. "Mr. Muchmore will attend to him, though, I guess." "Muchmore needs someone to attend to him, too," remarked Tom Donnell. "He's as cross as a couple of sour apple trees. I guess if the house had been on fire he'd have been only too glad to see us."

And Clarice Almira also informed me that you call my son Jacob." "He told me his name was Jacob," protested Anne. "I might well have expected that," said Mrs. H. B. Donnell, in a tone which implied that gratitude in children was not to be looked for in this degenerate age. "That boy has such plebeian tastes, Miss Shirley. When he was born I wanted to call him St.

He looked at his father. "The universe is going to change, now. Earth won't be so overcrowded. And it means the end of the Enclave system, and the Fitzgerald Contraction." "We'll have to convert the Valhalla to the new drive," Captain Donnell said. He looked still stunned by Alan's sudden appearance. "Otherwise we'll never be able to meet the competition of the new ships.

"I'm not going to mind," said Anne quietly, "and I'm going to make Anthony Pye like me yet. Patience and kindness will surely win him." "Well, you can never tell about a Pye," said Mrs. Rachel cautiously. "They go by contraries, like dreams, often as not. As for that DonNELL woman, she'll get no DonNELLing from me, I can assure you. The name is DONnell and always has been.

They stepped into it; the door clicked shut automatically behind them. There was a row of blank forms in a metal rack against the inside of the door. Hawkes pulled one out. Alan looked at it. It said, CENTRAL DIRECTORY MATRIX INFORMATION REQUISITION 1067432. Hawkes took a pen from the rack. "We have to fill this out. What's your brother's full name?" "Steve Donnell." He spelled it.

"I'd rather pass the full buckets," said Tom Donnell. "Now then, everybody begin to pass," cried the constable, who had his men in some kind of shape. There were three lines extending from the burning barn to the horse trough, some distance away. The trough was fed by a pipe, running from a spring, and there was plenty of water.

His only rival in Meath in such meritorious works of destruction was Conor, son of Donnell, and O'Melaghlin of East-Meath, or Bregia, whose death is recorded at the year 1277, "as one of the three men in Ireland" whom the midland English most feared. From the ancient mensal the transition is easy to the north.

Phaddhy, however, was no Donnell, to use his own expression, and saw as far into a deal board as another man. "And so, Phaddy," said the priest, "how are all your family? six you have, I think?" "Four, your Rev'rence, only four," said Phaddy, winking at Tim Dillon, his neighbor, who happened to be present "three boys an' one girl."

Assuming my Irish name, I took lodgings in Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, for the sake of being near a Mr Donnell, an Irish gentleman famous for his knowledge of mathematics, from whom I received instruction in navigation.