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Suffice it to say that between these two men, our hero, the poet, and the great man of affairs, there has always remained the closest friendship, and each carries in his bosom, wrapped in the myrrh of fond memory, the deathless blossom of friendship, that sweetest flower in the conservatory of the soul." The day before John left for Lawrence he met Lieutenant Jacob Dolan.

He was shot at such close range that some papers in his coat pocket took fire from the powder flash, and his body was partially consumed as it lay there in the road. For this killing, Jimmie Dolan, Billy Matthews and Bill Campbell were indicted and tried. Dolan and Matthews were acquitted. Campbell, in default of a better jail, was kept in the guard-house at Fort Stanton.

Barclay nodded at the general without speaking, and Dolan said: "Cool, ain't it? Think it will freeze?" Barclay took a chair, and when Dolan and Ward saw that he had come for a visit, they left. "Watts," asked Barclay, after the others had gone, and the little man at the bench did not speak, "Watts, what's got into the people of this country?

She hurried across the bottom, with wavering knees she climbed the embankment, then skirting the fields, she half walked, half ran to the village, and selecting back streets and alleys, tumbled, half distracted, into the home of her sister. "Holy Vargin!" screamed Katy Dolan. "Whativer do be ailin' you, Mary Malone?" "Jimmy! Jimmy!" sobbed the shivering Mary. "I knew it! I knew it!

The proposition seemed so feasible, that after cool deliberation and discussion, a party was formed to take the new route. My father was elected captain of this company, and from that time on it was known as the "Donner Party." Wolfinger and wife; Patrick Dolan, Charles Stanton, Samuel Shoemaker, Hardcoop, Spitzer, Joseph Rhinehart, James Smith, Walter Herron, and Luke Halloran.

Here they are in a harris of a hurry and they take time to make a hole big enough for two men almost. Maybe they robbed the warehouse, too." He suggested as much to Dolan when he joined the latter within. "No," said Dolan, sweeping with a glance the stacks of cases and crates that half filled the single floor of the warehouse. "No, I don't think they's anything missing.

"Dan Dolan!" exclaimed Miss Stella. "Oh, does he mean my my Dan, Marraine?" chirped Polly, breathlessly. "What! You know the boy?" cried the old sailor, in amazement. "God bless me, you!" "Why, yes, we know him, don't we, Pollykins?" said Miss Stella. "But what he is doing with the medal we can't say. Suppose you come with us, and see the owner of the medal, and strike a bargain yourself?"

In 1875, Chisum dropped down to his South Spring River ranch, and by that time Murphy had been thrown out of the post-tradership by Major Clendenning, commanding officer, who did not like his methods. He had dropped nine miles down the Bonito from Fort Stanton, with two young associates, under the firm name of Murphy, Riley & Dolan, sometimes spoken of as L. G. Murphy & Co.

"Well, sir," answered Dolan, "there was a bit of a celebration in town, on August 30, it being the day the railroad came in, and in honour of the occasion I put on my regimentals, and along about say eleven o'clock as the crowd began to thicken up around the bank corner, and in front of the hardware store, I was walking along, kind of shoving the way clear for the ladies to pass, when some one behind me says, 'General Hendricks was an old thief, and his son is no better, and I turned around and clapt my eye on this gentleman here.

"Ay," observed O'Neil, "as Solvester Maguire, the poet, used to say 'Labor for larnin, before you grow ould, For larnin' is better nor riches nor gould; Riches an' gould they may vanquish away, But larnin' alone it will never decay." "Success, Owen! Why, you might put down the pot and warm an air to it," said Murphy. "Well, boys, are we all safe?" asked Traynor. "Safe?" said old Dolan.