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The value of the embroidered doily as an article of table napery may be open to question, but its value, in an unfinished state, as an adjunct to discreet conversation, is beyond all dispute. "Ought I to say good night?" asked John with a smile, as he seated himself on the disappearance of Mr. and Mrs. Carling. "I don't see any reason," she replied. "It isn't late.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror as if it were the face of an enemy, then, turning her head aside, sat deep in reflection, biting her lip and toying with the edge of the white doily. "You little traitor!" she whispered, through clenched teeth. "You little traitor and hypocrite" sobs began to rise in her throat "and fool!" Five more minutes passed in a silent conflict.

I've taken your mother through doily fever induced by the change from table-cloths to bare tops, through portière inflammation, through afternoon tea distemper, through art-nouveau prostration and mission furniture palsy, not to speak of a horrible attack of acute insanity over the necessity for having her maids wear caps.

Tufik's gift proved to be a small linen doily, with a Cluny-lace border! We were gone from that moment I know it now, looking back. Gone! We were lost the moment Tufik stood in the doorway, smiling and bowing. Tish saw us going; and with the calmness of the lost sat there nibbling cake and watching us through her spectacles and raised not a hand. Aggie looked at the doily and Tufik looked at her.

Seeing that comment annoyed us, he ceased, and we fell to our bridge game; but more than once his eye fell on Aggie's doily, and he muttered something about the Assyrian coming down like a wolf on the fold. The problem of Tufik's future was a pressing one. Tish called a meeting of the three of us next morning, and we met at her house.

"Not yet," Emma would reply dreamily. Buck would strike an attitude intended to intimidate. "If you have no sense of what is due me as your husband, then I demand, as senior partner of this firm, to know what it is that is taking your time, which rightfully belongs to this business." "Go away, T. A., and stop pestering me! What do you think I'm designing a doily?"

They then got out small fruit-plates, and on each they laid first, a small, clean doily, then a finger-bowl with a little water in it, not very much, as it was not intended to swim in, the aunt said, and on the edge of the plate a fruit-knife and an orange spoon. These plates were laid all around the table at the different places.

The cat was equipped with a doily, and actually provided with dinner at a small table apart; the child did not look at it as Annie had expected she would, but remained with her eyes fastened on Annie herself: She did not stir from the spot where Mrs.

Wiggins's death, while we were in Berlin, Aggie received a small package forwarded from home. It was a small lace doily, and pinned to it was a card. It read: For the sadness, Miss Pilk! Aggie cried over it. I suppose there is something in all of us that harks back to the soil. When you come to think of it, what are picnics but outcroppings of instinct?

The river bank became a scene of delightful confusion; black cassocks, red tunics, orange ribbons, and blue ostrich feathers all mingled. The two slender boy priests showed strange hirsute adornments. One had a face like a round white doily with brown fringe; the other was spotted with hair like new grass. The agent and the doctor were ordinary looking men.