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'I am within my lawful rights. Dod, wee Henderson would ask nothing better than to prosecute you before the lords of session were you to keep me in jail even for an hour. Release this innocent man Kerr, and let us go. 'You are a vulgar bully, exclaimed his lordship haughtily. The stranger dropped his bitter tone, and asked smoothly, 'May I ask your lordship a question?

Coomber's lap before the fire, the boys mutely looking at her as she lay, she suddenly put up her little hands, and said in a feeble whisper, "Dear faver Dod, tate tare o' daddy and mammy, and Tiny;" and then she seemed to drop off into a doze. The boys were startled, and Mrs.

"What has hurt the fellow so badly?" inquired Glenn, walking round from the back of the animal to the front. The words were scarcely uttered before he likewise sprang away, hastily, as he beheld a pronged instrument thrust from the orifice in the body whence the bowels had been extracted! "Dod! I wonder if it's wolves or Injins!" exclaimed a voice within the cavity of the huge body.

"Do they?" "Yes." "Dod bless pop-a," she sighed, dreamily; "an' Dod bless me, too, an' an' keep me f'om bein' a dood little dirl. Ma'am? Yes, ma'am. Amen." She laid her head down, and in a moment was asleep. Husband and wife passed out together. The wounded arm, its pain unconfessed, was cared for, pious prayers were said, and the pair lay down to slumber. Far in the night the husband awoke.

Hopalong bit into a generous handful of dried apricots, chewed complacently for a moment, and replied: "'At's aw right; I want my cayuse." Swallowing hastily, he continued: "I want it, an' I've come to the right place for it, too. Hand it over, David." "Dod blast it, I tell you I ain't got it!" retorted Dave, beginning to suspect that something was radically wrong.

"Nhm!" said Alan, "it looks queer. We saw nothing of them this morning on the Whins; he's passed us by, he doesna seem to be looking, and yet here he is on our road! Dod, Davie, I begin to take a notion. I think it's no' you they're seeking, I think it's me; and I think they ken fine where they're gaun." "They ken?" I asked.

I suppose the ancient Romans brought cushions." Mr. Dod did not appear to hear me. "In the third row below," he exclaimed, blushing joyfully, "the sixth from this end do you see? Yellow bun under a floral hat Isabel!" "A yellow bun under a floral hat," I repeated, "that would be Isabel, if you add a good complexion and a look of deportment. Yes, now I see her. Mrs. Portheris on one side, Mr.

In the course of this speech he called me all the different kinds of hard names he could think of, and once or twice I thought he was even going to swear but he didn't this time. 'Dod dern' was the nearest he ventured to the luxury of swearing, for he had been brought up with a wholesome respect for future fire and brimstone.

"Me pray for him every night. Will oo sing to Dod to make him better?" "Why do you wish me to sing?" "When I'm sick my mamma sings to Dod. I fink He hears better dat way, an' I det better. Will oo sing?" "If you wish me to, I will." "Let me det in oor lap den," and Marion, climbing up, made herself perfectly at home.

Portheris stood in the door. As Isabel entered, I saw that Mr. Dod was making the wildest efforts to communicate something to me with his left eye. "Come, young people," repeated Mrs. Portheris. "Do you think it's safe for so many?" asked Dicky doubtfully. "Suppose anything should give, you know!" Mrs. Portheris looked undecided. Momma, from the interior, immediately proposed to get out.