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Life in Paris, spiced with the political intrigues incident to diplomatic circles, would divert her thoughts, and might possibly make the coming years endurable. Was the game worth the candle? No thought of Muriel's misery entered for an instant into this entirely sordid calculation, or would have deterred her even momentarily, had it presented itself in expostulation.

For a prudent man comes not hither only to fill his belly, as if he were to fill a bottle, but to be sometimes grave and serious, sometimes pleasant, sometimes to listen to others, and sometimes to speak himself what may benefit or divert the company, if the meeting is intended for any good use or purpose.

It is hardly necessary to urge the importance of resisting these onslaughts of sexual passion in their very incipiency. How may the habit of masturbation best be brought under control? The first thing to accomplish is the purification of the thoughts. The most effective way to purify the thoughts is to divert them to a pure and strictly non-sexual subject e.g., pure mathematics.

It is true that something unforeseen is almost sure to happen and to divert or impede the course which events would otherwise take; but still, it is most important to be able to perceive clearly the influence exerted by certain causes, how much soever that influence may be disturbed by other causes; since, if it does nothing else, it will at least prevent the disturbing causes from producing what would otherwise have been their full effect.

Therefore, he wanted to become a lawyer. The practise of law to him was to convince, befog or divert the jury; he could do it, and so he applied for permission to practise law. He was successful from the first. His clownish ways pleased the judge, the jury and the spectators. His ready tongue and infinite good humor made him a favorite.

'My dear Sir George, my dear friend, he urged very seriously, and with a shocked face, 'you should not say things like that of his lordship. You really should not! My lord is a most excellent and 'Pure ass! said Soane with irritation. 'And I wish you would go and divert him instead of boring me. 'Dear, dear, Sir George! Mr. Thomasson wailed. 'But you do not mean it?

If it was the purpose of Nicholls to divert Jackson's attention from New Orleans which was to be the objective of the British expedition preparing at Jamaica, he succeeded admirably; but in deciding to attack Jackson's forces at Mobile, he committed a grievous error.

It will seek to divert into more profitable channels the steadily increasing torrent of immigration from the villages to the towns. It will re-direct and re-distribute the masses of the Submerged Tenth who already exist in every large city. Like his English representative, the Indian village bumpkin has a natural aversion to town life.

Their rivalries and jealousies were like those of petty kingdoms. If one State should close her ports is to English ships, the others would welcome them in order to divert the trade, with no feeling of national pride or federal cooperation.

I divert the idolatry from human worshippers to an unconscious stream which must surely be meritorious." Then I thought of the mystic sentence, "Aum, mani, padme, hum." "What a pity it is," I cried, "I couldn't make them a phonograph to repeat their mantra! If I could, they might fulfil all their religious duties together by machinery!" Hilda reflected a second.