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I answered all these questions, and he proceeded: 'Tell me, Menippus, what are men's feelings towards me? 'What should they be, Lord, but those of absolute reverence, as to the King of all Gods? 'Now, now, chaffing as usual, he said; 'I know their fickleness very well, for all your dissimulation. There was a time when I was their prophet, their healer, and their all,

Of the Secret Interview between Norris and Anne Boleyn, and of the Dissimulation practised by the King. Henry's attentions to Jane Seymour at the masqued fete were so marked, that the whole court was made aware of his passion.

"I do not believe you! You have no honor! With the touch of Gertrude's lips and arms still on yours, you come to me and dare to perjure yourself! Oh, Mr. Murray! Mr. Murray! I did not believe you capable of such despicable dissimulation! In the catalogue of your sins, I never counted deceit. I thought you too proud to play the hypocrite.

"But why, Louise, should we take refuge in such dissimulation, when we are assured of your love?" "You are assured of nothing! How can you be so artless as to believe that these seven years have passed by and left no trace, and that we feel exactly to-day as we did before this fearful war?

Endowed with remarkable intelligence, and extraordinary power of dissimulation the half-breed had easily persuaded the prince of the sincerity of his repentance, and obtained credit for his gratitude and attachment from so confiding and generous a character. Besides, what motives could Djalma have to suspect the slave, now become his friend?

In truth, once assured that Mainwaring returned her affection, Lucretia reposed on the future with a calm and resolute confidence; and her customary dissimulation closed like an unruffled sea over all the undercurrents that met and played below.

In the scene between the old toy-maker and his blind daughter, when the father discovers the dreadful result of his dissimulation an awkward hitch; and, the climax quite thwarted, the curtain came down. I was standing at the wings. "Did you see that?" he said as he brushed by me, going to his dressing-room. "No," said I, following him. "What was it?"

He smiled benignantly at his nephew's dissimulation and at the good results which it had already produced. He approved of gaining time, he said, by fictitious negotiations and by the use of a mercantile agent; for, no doubt, such a course would prevent the proper succours from being sent to the Earl of Leicester.

Derues felt some alarm in his dungeon, but his presence of mind and his dissimulation in no wise deserted him, and he swore afresh every day to the truth of his statements. But his last false assertion turned against him: the bond for a hundred thousand livres which he professed to have given to Duclos was a counterfeit which Duclos had annulled by a sort of counter declaration made the same day.

The cash, plate, and other valuables of individuals were not so easily discovered. Torture was, therefore; at once employed to discover the hidden treasures. After all had been, given, if the sum seemed too little, the proprietors were brutally punished for their poverty or their supposed dissimulation.