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Sir Lionel seemed neither pleased nor displeased at the meeting, but he could not have suspected it was more than an accident, for he remarked that it was odd we should run up against each other like this! Mrs.

"You will say that I forbade you to make the communication," he said, with rather a displeased air. "I beg your pardon," said Dr. Blundell, "but " "I am not offended," interrupted Sir Timothy, mistaking remonstrance for apology. He was quite honestly incapable of supposing that his physician would presume to argue with him.

His economy displeased the courtiers; the measures of the provincial assemblies incurred the disapprobation of the parliaments, which wished to monopolize opposition; and the prime minister could not forgive him an appearance of credit.

"You are my own dear cousin Grace; and nothing can be farther from my mind than any thought of being displeased with her; especially just at this moment, when I am going away, probably, for a considerable time." "Away! when? where?" "To-morrow morning, for Ireland." "Ireland! of all places," cried Lady Clonbrony. "What upon earth puts it into your head to go to Ireland?

"Well, you look as soft as a white rose anyhow," he remarked with a curiously impersonal air of criticism. A rosy glow flooded her face. It was so long since any man had commented upon her appearance that she felt painfully shy and displeased. "All the same I've had a hard life," she returned with passionate earnestness.

So completely had he placed me beneath his thumb that I was compelled to act as he dictated, in order to save my own life, for, as I have already explained, the "holy" man held the lives of those who displeased him very cheaply. At headquarters, which proved to be a veritable hive of military activity, I posed to a sergeant as Tchernine's brother, and begged that I might see him.

About fifteen days afterwards, they informed me they were to conduct me to the Sultan; and if they carried me thither, I believed they would meet with your master at the rendezvous, and inform him that they had arrested me. I much wished, Sir," added he, "that you had been with me, well convinced that you would have been happier, for I found no cause to be displeased with these people.

"And I never knowed it was your custom to leave New Constantinople in the middle of the night; leastways I never knowed you to do it afore." "We have important business," added the captain brusquely, uncertain as yet whether he ought to be displeased or angered by the intrusion of Adams. "So have I." "What is it?" "Your good." "I don't understand you; explain yourself."

And when Simone Buonarroti found his twelve-year-old boy haunting the churches to watch the workmen, and also discovered that he was consorting with the youths who studied drawing in the atelier of Ghirlandajo, he was displeased.

"I thought it beautiful, and I am sure you will like it," said Wilbur Edes in the chastened tone which he commonly used toward his wife. He had learned long ago that facetiousness displeased her, and he lived only to please her, aside from his interest in his profession.