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No reports are more readily believed than those which disparage genius, and soothe the envy of conscious mediocrity.

Should anyone disparage the arts because they imitate nature, let him note that nature also imitates much besides; and, further, that the arts do not precisely imitate what we see but go back to that rational element of which nature consists, and according to which she acts. Carlsbad, June 22, 1808.

The quality here commended was scarcely less conspicuous in the subject of these idle reminiscences, than in my Lord Verulam. Those who have imagined that an unexpected elevation to the direction of a great London Theatre, affected the consequence of Elliston, or at all changed his nature, knew not the essential greatness of the man whom they disparage. It was my fortune to encounter him near St.

"Lord Montfort values me, as it is, far beyond my merits: far," she added with a different intonation, gravely mournful. "Forgive me; I have displeased you. I did not mean it. Heaven forbid that I should presume either to disparage Lord Montfort or or to " he stopped short, saving the hiatus by a convenient stammer. "Only," he continued, after a pause, "only forgive me this once.

Maltby, for all his sparkle, was earnest; Braxton, for all his arrogance, assiduous. 'A Faun on the Cotswolds' had no more eager eulogist than the author of 'Ariel in Mayfair. When any one praised his work, Maltby would lightly disparage it in comparison with Braxton's 'Ah, if I could write like THAT! Maltby won golden opinions in this way.

If patriotism fits into modern life like sand in the machinery, as Veblen says, we must see how patriotism may be made to do better service. Some views about patriotism which thus disparage it seem to be based upon a biological conception of it.

She could but think that he was like her father, and that action and danger were necessary to him, and that it was only this rustic tranquillity that weighed upon his spirits. "Do not for a moment believe that I would speak slightingly of your sister," Fareham resumed, after that silent interval. "It were indeed an ill thing in me most of all to disparage her in your hearing.

When we are tempted to disparage our slender powers as compared with those of His more conspicuous servants, and to suppose that all which we do is nought, let us think of this merciful and loving estimate of our poor service.

"True," replied Wallace, "but I suit my actions to my mind, not to my enemy's; and if he cannot feel dishonor, I will not so far disparage myself as to think one so base worthy my resentment." While he was quieting the reawakened indignation of his nobles, whose blood began to boil afresh at sight of the assassin, the Southron lords, conducted by Lord Mar, approached.

Hence physicists condemn the unphysical; financiers have only a superficial toleration for those who know little of stocks; literary persons despise the unlettered; and people of all pursuits combine to disparage those who have none. But though this is one difficulty of the subject, it is not the greatest.