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The next day early M. de Rumigny returned to Chatillon, where the Duke of Vicenza awaited him; and from the few words his Majesty uttered as he mounted his horse to return to his advance posts, it was easy to see that he had not yet resigned himself to the idea of making a peace which he regarded as dishonorable.

I have the books yet; two little, stout volumes in fine print, with the marks of wear on them, but without those dishonorable blots, or those other injuries which boys inflict upon books in resentment of their dulness, or out of mere wantonness. I was always sensitive to the maltreatment of books; I could not bear to see a book faced down or dogs-eared or broken-backed.

I assumed that my husband had died, and I was very glad to learn what he thought of me while he was alive. Since the package was addressed to me, it was not dishonorable for me to open it. And so she opened it. It proved to be his will, but containing, as a preamble, his curses on her, expressions of contempt, and all the vulgar outpouring of an evil temper and angry passion.

I have been convinced, from the first starting of this question, that it could not end otherwise. The fault is in the constitution of the United States, which has sanctioned a dishonorable compromise with slavery. There is henceforth no remedy for it but a reörganization of the Union, to effect which a concert of all the white states is indispensable.

There is some one very dear to me to whom this war has worked a cruel injustice. I have come to try to help that person; and for certain reasons I can't explain them I had to come in secret or not at all. But I have done nothing wrong, nothing dishonorable.

Smooth had to deal with, but the dishonorable government that followed.

But by doing right I have kept his respect. Thank God for the glance I have just received, for it is worth far more than any expressions of dishonorable passion. My conscience is light, if my heart is heavy!"

"That Giovanni Massetti who has been disowned and disinherited by his father for the commission of one of the vilest and most dishonorable crimes known to the world?" "The same!" answered Monte-Cristo, calmly. Mme. de Rancogne was now more astounded than ever. "You know this man's record and yet you allow him to win your daughter! Count, this is not like you! I cannot understand it!"

"I mean that my father died a pauper! That on the word of Mr. Rockamore, Mr. Mallowe, Mr. Carlis and Dr. Franklin, he was on the verge of dishonorable bankruptcy, into which I may not inquire." "Good Heavens, they must be mad! I am sure that your father was at the zenith of his successful career, and as for dishonor, surely, Anita, no one who knew him could credit that!" "Mr.

He always tried to put the thought away from him as a dishonorable one; but it had a fatal persistency. He could not banish it. "Poor, half-witted old woman! she might a great deal better be in the poor-house." "There is no reason why we should lose our interest, for the sake of keeping her along." "The mortgage was for too large a sum.