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I should have felt like a boy caught stealing jam. He went right on planting bulbs. "Hello, Martha. What's on the carpet now?" he greeted that lady, airily. "You will have your little joke, Doctor," smiled Miss Hopkins, a dish-faced blonde with a cultured expression. "Joke?" The doctor stared up at her. "Joke? Gad, I'd like to believe it!"

"But the American Johnny in London had a much smarter coach than this, and better animals, too. You're not up to his class yet, old thing!" "That dish-faced pinto on the off side," remarked the driver, "can outrun anything in this town for fun, money, or marbles." "Marbles!" called the Honourable George to us; "why marbles? Silly things! It's all bally strange! And why do your villagers stare so?"

Greeks, Egyptians, Asiatics, Romans all have gods, but these dish-faced ones with beards refuse to pay honor to Caesar and scorn the gods." "True," the guest replied, "but if there were no Jew, the wit of the theatre would suffer. Doth not the wag ever make merry concerning the god of the Jew which refuseth to be a god unless an inch of skin be taken where the eye misseth it not?"

His talk was all of his family the wife, the kids, the flat. A garrulous person, lank, pasty, dish-faced, and amiable. His half day off was invariably spent tinkering about the stuffy little flat painting, nailing up shelves, mending a broken window shade, puttying a window, playing with his pasty little boy, aged sixteen months, and his pasty little girl, aged three years.

As I can beat you at tennis, though you are six years older than I, so I can beat you in other matters, and with the Queen herself, even though she is half in love with you already, as all the court is saying; and she shall belong to me some day, though I have to slay that dish-faced prayer-master of a king to get her."

It had a picture and advertisement of 'The Royal Dish-faced Berkshire Pig' on it; and I 'm sure, by her expression when she saw it, that she will never be his 'live partner. No, I don't think I 'll have an out-of-door occupation, it's so trying to the complexion. Now, how about millinery? I could be an apprentice, and gradually rise until I imported everything direct from Paris."