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Then touching his hat, and politely waving his hand, he turned on one side, and I saw him no more. Tregaron Church The Minister Good Morning Tom Shone's Disguises Tom and the Lady Klim and Catti. I EXPERIENCED very good entertainment at the Tregaron Inn, had an excellent supper and a very comfortable bed. I arose at about eight in the morning. The day was dull and misty.

What should I have a sorrow about you and Molly are only too kind to me, her eyes filling with tears. 'Well, well, we'll not talk of such gloomy things, and you shall have some sweet emulsion to disguise the taste of the bitters I shall be obliged to fall back upon. 'Please, don't. If you but knew how I dislike emulsions and disguises!

"The Marquis of F ," said the worthy ambassador, "asks you to supper in your own rooms with all the band of beggars. He wishes to give us a surprise, and would be obliged if you would lend him the room to have a set of disguises made, and to ensure secrecy he wants you to let have the same waiting-maid." "With pleasure; tell the marquis that all shall be according to his pleasure."

He ordered his followers to disperse, to pass the Alps in small parties and various disguises, and to assemble at Rome, during the licentious tumult of the festival of Cybele. To murder Commodus, and to ascend the vacant throne, were the ambition of no vulgar robber. His measures were so ably concerted that his concealed troops already filled the streets of Rome.

He ordered his followers to disperse, to pass the Alps in small parties and various disguises, and to assemble at Rome, during the licentious tumult of the festival of Cybele. To murder Commodus, and to ascend the vacant throne, was the ambition of no vulgar robber. His measures were so ably concerted that his concealed troops already filled the streets of Rome.

Not to speak of that eye which pierces all disguises, and beholds every thing as in the splendor of noon, such secrets of guilt are never safe from detection, even by men. True it is, generally speaking, that "murder will out."

"I certainly overslept myself this morning, sir that is the truth." "Yes, Sam; sloth is one of the disguises under which the enemy often assails and overcomes us. But to business, Sam. There is an old woman in Castle Cumber, whose name I scarcely remember. She goes dressed in faded black, and has a son, to whom, for wise purposes of course, it pleased Him to deny a full measure of ordinary sense?"

Literature is filled with many such naive little disguises as "Sonnets From the Portuguese," and Robert Browning himself caught the idea and put many a maxim into the mouth of another, for which he preferred not to stand sponsor. Botticelli painted the "Spring" for Lorenzo the Magnificent, to be placed in the Medici villa at Castello.

"What time do you start?" "About midnight. Steel Spring is to be at Dan's, and will introduce us to the company as men afraid to look upon the face of a 'Trap, and 'on the square." "I'll be with you before you start, and during the day I'll send two disguises to the store which will be hard to rival in point of ugliness.

Stealthily he went up to the great attic in his home and inspected his "disguises." In some far-off period of his official career he had purchased the most amazing collection of false beards, wigs and garments that any stranded comedian ever disposed of at a sacrifice. He tried each separate article, seeking for the best individual effect; then he tried them collectively.