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Afterwards, when I tried to recall our discovery of the body in lower ten, I found that my most vivid impression was not that made by the revelation of the opened curtain. I had an instantaneous picture of a slender blue-gowned girl who seemed to sense my words rather than hear them, of two small hands that clutched desperately at the seat beside them.

This being the close of the expedition, I wish it to be distinctly understood how thoroughly I support the credit of Speke and Grant for their discovery of the first and most elevated source of the Nile in the great Victoria N'yanza.

Mary's Rapids, a very valuable deposit has been discovered, which has stimulated other adventurers, who have found another mine nearer the outlet of the lake and still more valuable, the copper of which, lying near the surface, yields somewhere about seventy-five per cent. This discovery has created great excitement.

Under this heading the New York Tribune published in September the letter of its regular correspondent at Paris, which is given below: It shows that in the present state of imperfect civilization the narrow-minded men who generally lead society are perfectly able to suppress for a time any discovery which does not come from their own clique.

I acceded to his prayer, intimating, at the same time, if he returned not before another sentinel should relieve me, the discovery of my breach of duty must be made, and my punishment inevitable.

How many secrets there are under the sun, awaiting discovery! Sweet are the enchantments of love! "If I drink unseen from thy glass, and thou dost drain it after me: thou drinkest love therefrom, and shalt pine for me, darling, as I have pined for thee. "If at night I awake in dreams of thee and turn my pillow under my head: thou too wilt have as sweet dreams of me, as I of thee, my darling.

I have no more idea than you have of who wrote the letter, or of what was written in it. If we are ever to make that discovery probably the most important discovery of all we must dispatch our first inquiries a distance of three thousand miles. In plain English, my dear lady, we must send to America." This, naturally enough, took me completely by surprise.

It had hardly occurred to him that his discovery of the principle of never doing anything yourself that you can win others to do for you and never failing, when you have a minute to spare, to do a thing yourself when you can do it better than any assistant, was already a practice with leaders in trade and industry before the Pharaohs.

For the highest of those powers, the imagination, without which no discovery of any grandeur is made even in the realms of science, dwells in the halls of aspiration, outlook, desire, and hope, and round the windows and filling the air of these, hung the dry dust-cloud of Richard's negation.

A new experience in this kingdom of truth: gravitation, the circulation of the blood, the natural system of Linnaeus, correspond essentially in my mind to the discovery of an antique dug up at Herculaneum they are both only the reflections of one spirit, a renewed acquaintance with a being like myself.