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The way they soon take a man for granted if he's at all kind to them discourages any but the poorest sort of fool. At least that's my opinion." "Then you don't come from her?" said Norman with complete loss of interest in his caller. "No. I've come Fred, I hear you're in difficulties." Norman's now deep-set eyes gleamed humorously in his haggard and failed-looking face. "In difficulties?

It says: "You must show that you are not afraid of referring your semi-executive, semi-judicial action to the High Court." This Act meddles with no criticism, however strong, of Government measures. It discourages the advocacy of no practical policy, social, political, or economic.

And their conception, even of art, has been too often on the scale of Properzia de Rossi, who carved sixty-five heads on a walnut, the smallest of all recorded symbols of woman's sphere. All this might, perhaps, be overcome, if the social prejudice which discourages women would only reward proportionately those who surmount the discouragement.

So is also any training which discourages habitual self-reliance and initiative, or which acts as a check on skepticism; for the skeptical frame of mind is a necessary part of the intellectual equipment that makes for advance, invention and understanding in the field of technological proficiency.

Thus we see that A, B, and C, the favourites of sections within the party, are elected, and D, E, and F, the candidates most in general favour those who represent a compromise among the sections are rejected. In practice, then, the Hare system discourages compromise among parties, and among sections of parties; and therefore tends to obliterate party lines.

Of these abuses, perhaps the chief, although by no means the only one, is overcapitalization generally itself the result of dishonest promotion because of the myriad evils it brings in its train; for such overcapitalization often means an inflation that invites business panic; it always conceals the true relation of the profit earned to the capital actually invested, and it creates a burden of interest payments which is a fertile cause of improper reduction in or limitation of wages; it damages the small investor, discourages thrift, and encourages gambling and speculation; while perhaps worst of all is the trickiness and dishonesty which it implies for harm to morals is worse than any possible harm to material interests, and the debauchery of politics and business by great dishonest corporations is far worse than any actual material evil they do the public.

The task of cramming knowledge into these self-sufficient, inefficient youngsters of both sexes discourages me at times. The more stupid they are, the less they are aware of it.

A pirate never fails to intimidate his pursuers by exaggerating the number and resolution of his crew, the strength of his vessels, and the security of his retreats. A cheat discourages a prosecution by dwelling upon his knowledge of all the arts and subterfuges of the law, the steadiness of his witnesses, and the experience of his agents.

"Come," said he, "grandmamma has pestered you with questions enough; now you retort ask me anything speak your mind: these things should be attacked in every form, and sifted with every sieve." Lady Bassett hesitated a moment, but at last responded to this invitation. "Sir, one thing that discourages me cruelly my solicitor seems so inferior to Mr. Bassett's.

"I'll have to tell her. I've made it a rule to tell ma everything I do ever since the Judgment Day." "Besides," added Cecily seriously, "the Family Guide says one ought to tell one's mother everything." "It's pretty hard sometimes, though," sighed Sara. "Ma scolds so much when I do tell her things, that it sort of discourages me.