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With the help of this aid to vision he inspected Mike in silence for a while, then, having flicked an invisible speck of dust from the left sleeve of his coat, he spoke. "Hullo," he said. He spoke in a tired voice. "Hullo," said Mike. "Take a seat," said the immaculate one. "If you don't mind dirtying your bags, that's to say.

I used some brown soap in the wash-stand as thread wax, to make the sewing more easy. "There," I thought, "no one will suspect that this was sewn by a boy." When I had finished, I thought of dirtying the twine to make the work look old; but I decided to let well alone. I might so easily betray my hand by trying to do too much. The slight trace of the soap made the work look old enough.

'I have seen some persons weep for the loss of sixpence, said Mr. Desires-awake, 'or for the breaking of a glass, or at some trifling accident. And they cannot pretend to have their tears valued at a bigger rate than they will confess their passion to be when they weep. Some are vexed for the dirtying of their linen, or some such trifle, for which the least passion is too big an expense.

It seemed to Bladud that there was no good feeding in that place, and that the creatures were dirtying themselves with no obvious end in view, so, with the pup's rather unwilling assistance, he drove them to more favourable ground, where the acorns were abundant.

"Take a seat," said the immaculate one. "If you don't mind dirtying your bags, that's to say. Personally, I don't see any prospect of ever sitting down in this place. It looks to me as if they meant to use these chairs as mustard-and-cress beds. A Nursery Garden in the Home. That sort of idea. My name," he added pensively, "is Smith. What's yours?" "Jackson," said Mike.

In his idleness, his mendacity, and the immeasurable harm he does to the deserving, dirtying the stream of true benevolence, and muddling the brains of foolish justices, with inability to distinguish between the base coin of distress, and the true currency we have always among us, he is more worthy of Norfolk Island than three-fourths of the worst characters who are sent there.

"An English officer, who was in Paris somewhere near the year 1815, was once crossing one of the bridges over the Seine, when a poodle dog rubbed against his boots, which had just been polished, dirtying them so much that he was obliged to go to a man stationed on the bridge to clean them. "The same circumstance having occurred more than once, his curiosity was excited, and he watched the dog.

Lawrence held himself lightly erect, his big frame stiffening from head to foot and the pupils of his eyes dilating till the irids were blackened. "Call Laura." Bernard sheathed the dagger again and laid it down. "She's out there snipping away at the roses. Why can't she leave 'em to Parker? She's always messing about out there dirtying her hands, and then she comes in and paws me. Call her in."

"They don't have porridge for breakfast," said Tiza, tossing her head, when she and Milly were out together. "Mother always gives us porridge. And I won't sit next Charlie. He's always dirtying hisself. He stickied hisself just all over this morning with treacle. Mother would have given him a clout."

"The shirt will do well enough, but there must be a patch or two of grease upon the jacket, and some smears of dirt, of some kind." When he had done them to his satisfaction, he took them upstairs. "What horrid, dirty looking things!" Amy exclaimed, in disgust. "They are clean enough inside, child. They are quite new; but I have been dirtying them, outside, to make them look natural.