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It's a dirty business, at best, and it leaves a bad taste in one's mouth, and many a black spot in one's memory. I realize how petty and sordid and treacherous and generally despicable the whole game is, and I'm through!" "Through?" Henry Blaine smiled his quiet, slow, illuminating smile, and walking around the table, laid his hand on Morrow's shoulder. "Why, boy, you haven't even commenced.

Very soon the man came up, and seeing the shoe lying there, he stooped and looked at it. 'It is a good shoe, he said to himself, 'but very dirty. Still, if I had the fellow, I would be at the trouble of cleaning it'; so he threw the shoe down again and went on. The Shifty Lad smiled as he heard him, and, picking up the shoe, he crept round by a short way and laid the other shoe on the path.

The scene of the departure was strange, since every one of them came and rubbed his forehead in the dust before me and then went away, walking backwards and bowing. Still their going did not make a great difference to us, since the new tribe was much as the old one, though if anything, rather less clothed and more dirty.

All the remainder of the morning the China Cat was in the police station, though she was not arrested, you understand. Oh, my, no! She had done nothing wrong, even though she was very dirty. But of course being dirty was not her fault. The China Cat saw many strange sights as she sat in the police station, and some of the sights were sad ones.

So the lazy girl had to go home covered with pitch, and the cock on the well called out as she saw her: 'Cock-a-doodle-doo! Your dirty daughter's come back to you. But, try what she would, she could not get the pitch off and it stuck to her as long as she lived.

It was very late, and I was picking my way among the dirty loungers who were clustering round the doors of a great gin-palace, when a man staggered out from among them, and held out his hand to me with a drunken leer.

I dropped the gun in the grass, sullenly, never speaking. "Johnnie, were you were you?" he faltered, unnerved. "Yes, I was going to give you both barrels ... and I'm sorry I didn't." All his desire to whip me had gone up like smoke. "Yes, and I'll tell you what, you big, dirty , I'll kill you yet, when I grow big." That night I fainted at supper.

"There's a lodging-house," the policeman answered, more doubtfully than ever. "It's getting late, sir; and I'm afraid you'll find 'em packed like herrings in a barrel. Come, and see for yourself." He led the way into a wretchedly lighted by-street, and knocked with his foot on a trap-door in the pavement. The door was pushed open from below, by a sturdy boy with a dirty night-cap on his head.

"Only try me!" said the shrill little voice. There was a queer lump in Rob's throat as he emptied one pocket of its biscuits and thrust them into the dirty, eager hands. Then he marched down the street without so much as glancing at that glorious steed again. Brighter and brighter grew the windows, more and more full of toys.

It does seem such a dirty, cowardly thing for me to be making off and leaving you here alone." "It is not cowardly, Wilson, for I know you would willingly stay if you could be of the slightest use; but, as, on the contrary, you would only add to the danger, it must be as I have arranged. Goodby, lad; don't stay; it has to be done. God bless you! Goodby, Murad.