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Here stretched out a desert waste between Amara and Kut-el-Amara, occupied by powerful confederations of fighting Bedouins, the Abu Mohammed tribes, known by their black tents, who moved about the British base on the river; the Makusis tribes, who fought as light cavalry on the side of the Turks, and the Abu Dir Diraye Arabs, who were ready to fight on any side that promised the most booty.

"That is the end of it," she groaned to herself; "oh, that is the end of it!" Winkt dir nicht hold die hehre Burg? Thou would'st be happy, Endlessly happy, Or endlessly wretched.

Nicholas has been erected near the place, and even to the present day the inhabitants of Kief conduct the traveler to the tomb of Ascolod and Dir. Oleg, now marshaling his army, marched triumphantly into the town, and, without experiencing any formidable opposition, annexed the conquered realm to the northern kingdom. Oleg was charmed with his conquest.

The flame in the Mamund Valley, joining the flame in the Bedmanai Pass, would have produced a mighty conflagration, and have spread far and wide among the inflammable tribesmen. Bajaur would have risen to a man. Swat, in spite of its recent punishment, would have stirred ominously. Dir would have repudiated its ruler and joined the combination. The whole mountain region would have been ablaze.

At the gate, Wutzler held aloft his glow-worm lantern. "Dose fellows catch me?" he mumbled, "Der plagues dey will forget me. All zo many shoots, kugel, der bullet, 'gilt's mir, oder gilt es dir? Men are dead in der Silk-Weafer Street. Dey haf hong up nets, and dorns, to keep out der plague's-goblins off deir house. Listen, now, dey beat gongs! But we are white men. You you tell me zo, to-night!"

He was an enormous, six-foot high, herculean fellow, with his shirt-sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, and the disorderly appearance of his dolman and the crooked cock of his turban more than justified the suspicion that he had already taken far more than was good for him of that fluid which the Prophet has forbidden to all true believers. "Gel, gel! Ne miktár dir, gel!"

"O Hendel, dessen Ruhm vom /Sued/ zum /Norden/ reicht, Vernimm den /Paean/ der zu deinen Ohren steigt. Du baeckst was /Gallien/ und /Britten/ emsig suchen, Mit /schoepfrischen Genie, originelle/ Kuchen. Des Kaffee's /Ocean/, der sich vor dir ergiesst, Ist suessev als der Saft der vom /Hymettus/ fliesst.

I well 'members day Aunt Millie an' Uncl' Edmund wuz sold dir son Harrison wuz bought by Marse Hunt. 'Twuz shure sad an' folks cried when Aunt Millie and Uncl' Edmund wuz tuk away. Harrison neber see his mammy an' pappy agin. Slaves wuz hired out by de yeah fo' nine hundred dollahs." "Marse Hunt had schools fo' de slaves chilluns. I went to school on Lincoln Hill, too."

"By the way you knows Squire Gellison wuz sum fishahman an' shure to goodness ketched lots ob fish. Why he'd ketch so many, he'd clean 'em, cut 'em up, put 'em in half barrels an' pass 'em 'round to de people on de farms." "Most de slaves on Marse Hunt's place had dir own garden patches. Sumtimes dey'd have to hoe the gardens by moonlight. Dey sell deir vegetables to Marse Hunt."

It was very hot, and there were swarms of flies; the viands had the strongest odor; there was in particular a horrible mix- ture known as gras-double, a light gray, glutinous, nauseating mess, which my companions devoured in large quantities. A man opposite to me had the dir- tiest fingers I ever saw; a collection of fingers which in England would have excluded him from a farmers' ordinary.