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The contrast would certainly be more perfect if ego si were read, as has been proposed, in place of si ego. QUOD EODEM MODO ... DICI: Cic. commonly says quod ita dicendum and the like; see n. on 35 quod ni ita fuisset.

FILIUS IS QUI: a pause must be made at filius; the sense is not 'that son of Africanus who adopted you', but 'the son of Africanus, I mean the man who adopted you'. QUOD NI ITA FUISSET: 'now if this had not been so'; a phrase like quod cum ita sit and hoc ita dici. Cf. also 67 quod ni ita accideret; 82 quod ni ita se haberet. ALTERUM ... CIVITATIS: illud is put for ille, by attraction to lumen.

I occupy a piece of land; the presumption is, that I am the proprietor, until the contrary is proved. We know that originally such a right cannot be legitimate unless it is reciprocal; the jurists say as much. Cicero compares the earth to a vast theatre: Quemadmodum theatrum cum commune sit, recte tamen dici potest ejus esse eum locum quem quisque occuparit.

It was at the commencement exercises of the year 1678 that the Reverend President Urian Oakes thus mourned for his friend Thomas Shepard, the minister of Charlestown, an overseer of the college: "Dici non potest quam me perorantem, in comitiis, conspectus ejus, multo jucundissimus, recrearit et refecerit.

Dudum in scholis audiveram, says Descartes, nihil tam absurdè dici posse quod non dicatur ab aliquo Philosophorum. In his early college days he had heard that nothing so absurd can possibly be said, but that some philosopher or other may say it. Such words are too hard for me.

Vulgo tamen invaluit, a quibusdam natum cum dici anno millesimo quadragintesimo nonagesimo-sexto: which is to say, the year is not certainly known, in which Father Francis Xavier was born; but it is generally held, that some have reported he was born in the year 1496.

How can any Church be called Catholic, which does not act beyond its own territory? and when did the rulers of the English Church ever move one step beyond the precincts, or without the leave, of the imperial power? "pudet hæc opprobria nobis Et dici potuisse, et non potuisse refelli."

But it is to be observed, that these words, Non scitur certò annus quo natus est P. Franciscus Xaverius, are dashed out with the stroke of a pen. There is also a line drawn over these other words, Natum eum dici millesimo, quadragintesimo, nonagesimo-sexto: and this is written over head, Natus est P. Franciscus Xaverius anno millesimo quingentesimo sexto.

No poet ever had such a lucky chance before voyez-vous to survive his own death, though many a one has survived his own immortality. Dici miser ante obitum nemo debet call no man wretched till he's dead. 'Tis not till the journey is over that one can see the perspective truthfully and the tombstones of one's hopes and illusions marking the weary miles.

"Jam nemo, fessus saturusque videndi, Suspicere in coeli dignatur lucida templa;" Lucretius, ii. 1037. and that if those things were now newly presented to us, we should think them as incredible, if not more, than any others. "Si nunc primum mortalibus adsint Ex improviso, si sint objecta repente, Nil magis his rebus poterat mirabile dici, Aute minus ante quod auderent fore credere gentes."