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They might fire a shot or two, and, finding that we did not answer, crawl gradually down till they got here, for it must seem possible to them that we should return down the pass; and as there is no getting the baggage mules to go fast, we might very well be overtaken I don't mean by those eight men, but by a considerable number." "But how are you to find your way, senor?" Dias said.

This we did not do, and their gratitude enabled our officers to pass their time somewhat agreeably. The gay round that always succeeds a battle for dead comrades are soon forgotten amidst congratulations and new titles had no fascination for me. The balls, the tertulias, the dias de campo, were alike insipid and tiresome. She was not there and where? I knew not. I might never see her again.

The boy had a swarthy, pleasant face, and to Jean's greeting he replied, "BUENAS DIAS." Jean understood little Spanish, and about all he gathered by his simple queries was that the lad was not alone and that it was "lambing time." This latter circumstance grew noisily manifest. The forest seemed shrilly full of incessant baas and plaintive bleats.

You give me instructions, and I will do my best to carry them out; but it is useless for me to talk of what I know nothing about." "There is a lot of common sense in that, and yet in every work, Dias, sometimes while a skilled man is puzzling how to do a thing a looker-on will suggest a satisfactory plan. That treasure has been buried there I have no doubt whatever.

There are also many sorts of fruit." "Well, then, we ought to do fairly well, Dias." "Yes, senor; but many of these creatures are only found in the forests and in the rivers of the plains, and they are so much hunted by the savages there that they are very shy. But there are some creatures with which we certainly do not wish to meet, and unfortunately these are not uncommon.

Her approach was announced by the loud barking of a lean dog and the joyful shouts of three half-naked Mexican children; and as the horse stopped a woman appeared in the low doorway. "Buenas dias, Senorita," she called; then, still in her native tongue: "Manuel, take the lady's horse. You Juanita, drive that dog away. This is not the manner to receive a lady. Come in, come in, Senorita.

"What is the quarrel about, Dias?" "The Colombians helped us to get rid of the Spaniards, but ever since they have presumed a right to manage affairs here." "Perhaps nothing will come of it." "Well, it is quite certain that there is no very good feeling between Chili, Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru." "I suppose they will be fighting all round some day?" "Yes, and it will interfere with my business.

But I think that that had best be hung from the top of the ravine above it, so as to avoid having to climb over those rough stones at the foot, which are really very awkward. One might very well twist one's ankle among them." "I will go at once, senor, and get the poles," Dias said. "You may as well come with me, Jose.

Harry was to hand his rifle to Dias before the firing began, and he and Bertie were to slip fresh cartridges into these guns and recap them before sending off the last batch of their fireworks, so as to have them in readiness either to empty their contents into the flying Indians, or to cover their retreat should the fireworks fail to effect the panic they hoped for.

Then, drawing back, she poured out her thanks volubly, the tears running down her cheeks. "Maria asked me if she might kiss you," Dias said gravely when she stopped. "I said that it was right that she should do so, for do we not both owe you my life?" "You must not make too much of the affair, Dias; four blows were struck, and there was an end to it."