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He almost roared his head off. "The United Bah! Ees the most unfree country what is. Every man, every woman, is slave slave to law, slave to custom, slave to everysing. You get up such time; eat such time," his hands went out in Latin frenzy. "Every day you work such time, every night go to bed such time. And, Madre di Dios, every week you take bath such time!" This was, to him, the ultimate joke.

The buoyancy and freshness, the girlish vivacity of Miss Halliday's manner, were rapidly giving place to habitual listlessness. "Are you tired, dear?" she repeated, anxiously; and Mrs. Sheldon looked round from her contemplation of the bonnets. "No, Di, dearest, not tired; but I don't feel very well this afternoon."

But down there come from the lofty hills Footsteps and eyes agleam, Bringing the laughter of yesterday Into the little house, By the winding stream and the hills. Di ron, di ron, di ron, di ron-don!" The Little Chemist blushed faintly at the silence that followed his timid, quaint recital.

I have had such a dream." "And I, too, such a vision!" thought Adrian. "Where am I?" cried Irene, rising from the couch. "This room these hangings Holy Virgin! do I dream still! and you! Heavens! it is the Lord Adrian di Castello!" "Is that a name thou hast been taught to fear?" said Adrian; "if so, I will forswear it."

It may here be parenthetically said that the rank and pay of an Italian captain varied with the number of the men he brought into the field. His title "Condottiere" was derived from the circumstance that he was said to have received a Condotta di venti cavalli, and so forth. Each cavallo was equal to one mounted man-at-arms and two attendants, who were also called ragazzi.

"Corpo di Bacco," he said, pitching the end of his cigar on to the red nose of the Countess of Delawaddymore's coachman who, having deposited her fat ladyship at No. 236 Piccadilly, was driving the carriage to the stables, before commencing his evening at the "Fortune of War" public-house "what a lovely creature that was! What eyes! what hair! Who knows her? Do you, mon cher prince?"

This work, by Pini, a naturalist of reputation, is instructive in the geology of the country between Modena and Florence, of the Campagna, and of part of Naples; there are also remarks on the antiquity and extent of the Italian Volcanoes. Viaggio da Milano ai tre Laghi Maggiore, di Lugano, e di Como. Del C. Amoretti. Milan, 1803. 4to.

Public and private calamity fell upon the Duca di Sessa, the Governor of Milan, doubtless because he had allowed the law to take its course. Indeed every person great or small who had been concerned in Gian Battista's condemnation, was, by Cardan's showing, overtaken by grave misfortune.

On leaving Rome Alfieri went to Siena, where, years before, when he had come light-hearted and bent only upon literary fame, to learn Tuscan, he had been introduced into a little circle of men and women whom he faithfully loved, and to that Francesco Gori who shared with Tommaso di Caluso the rather trying honour of being his bosom friend.

On Friday, when the ballot was to take place, Beauclerc gave a dinner, at his house in the Adelphi, where Boswell met several of the members who were favorable to his election. After dinner the latter adjourned to the club, leaving Boswell in company with Lady Di Beauclerc until the fate of his election should be known.