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Had I not been offered a fighting man's billet by the Swede, himself? Was not that glory? Then how much greater the glory if I spoke up with a devil-may-care lilt in my voice, and shipped in the hottest packet afloat! Glory! why, I would be the unquestioned cock of any foc'sle I afterward happened into.

"I think Nanny has some justification for considering her a lady," the minister said, firmly. "Well, I grant that. But what made me guffaw was a vision of the harum-scarum, devil-may-care little Egyptian mistress of an Auld Licht manse!" "She is neither harum-scarum nor devil-may-care," Gavin answered, without heat, for he was no longer a distracted minister. "You don't understand her as I do."

Guffy smiled happily from an open window as she observed the square set of his shoulders, the easy, devil-may-care smile upon his lips. The military telegraph occupied one-half of the small tent next the Miners' Retreat, and the youthful operator instantly recognized his debonair visitor.

Having gained his point, he laughed, and his public laughed with him, for the usual British or American public likes to be amused, and thought it very amusing to see these beribboned and bestarred foreigners caught and tossed and gored on the horns of this jovial, slashing, devil-may-care British bull.

Not that you would like to encourage this bit of impudence after a look into his devil-may-care eyes; but you might easily imagine something much stronger than brown wrapping paper and not quite so passive as burnt clay.

But the devil-may-care, agreeably vicious Ollerenshaw impulses were afoot in him, and he did not hesitate long. "Her has," said he. "What a ridiculous, fat old woman she is, with her fancies!" Frankly, James did not like this. He was in a mind to resent it, and then a certain instinct of self-preservation prompted him to seek cover in silence.

They, on their part, could not help admitting that the dash and "devil-may-care" spirit shown by our men often accomplished results not otherwise attainable but from the emulation of which they were barred by "traditions."

He was a fierce-looking fellow, with an insolent, devil-may-care, arrogant sort of expression, and bold, swaggering gait, yet he started at sight of the young baron, and plainly shrunk from his eye; hastening on to the fire and bending over it, with his back turned to de Sigognac, under pretence of warming his hands.

So I started for New York in rather a devil-may-care spirit, without the slightest chance of doing the business in comfort. And my misfortunes began at once in that city. To save time and money I went in the first quick vessel that crossed the Lucania; and I went second-class. It was an experience to run twenty-two knots an hour; but it has made me greedy since.

"Meanwhile that devil-may-care, the bobolink, Remembering duty, in mid-quaver stops Just ere he sweeps o'er rapture's tremulous brink, And 'twixt the winrows most demurely drops."