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He sat for a moment on the ground to recover his breath and to pull himself together. The detective was standing on the opposite bank and Harvey rose and stumbled forward. They crept along, climbing fences and tripping through underbrush. As they rounded the curve the ground began to slope away, and soon they could see the headlight of an engine.

I lit the stove in my room, and carefully destroyed everything that might give a possible clue to my identity, and then sat at the window, watching for day to break. Surely Dyer and Upton had achieved a very clever piece of detective work to discover me as they had.

He followed him from the station, saw him get into a cab, got into another himself, and stuck to him hard. The front cab stopped at about a dozen pawnbrokers' shops. The detective Johnny took the names and addresses, and hung on to the burglar man all day, and finally saw him return to the station, where he caught a train back to Eckleton.

I'm only going so as to put the detective off and keep Jane Foley out of his clutches, because if I stay in London he'll be bound to find everything out."

The detectives of fiction might have found some clue to start a train of logical and inevitable reasoning that led straight to the criminal, but the detective of fact had utterly failed, and the brilliant young amateur of fact was likewise completely at sea. What good for instance had my visit to the Scollays done? I asked myself. If they were innocent I had wasted my time.

"Is my aunt at home?" he inquired of the Negro who opened it. Then he followed the man, and was presently ushered into a salon where the Negro announced, "Monsieur de Saint-Esteve." The salon which the famous chief of the detective police now entered was remarkable for the luxury, but still more for the horribly bad taste, of its appointments.

"Where is my snake?" Archie, looked at the detective. The detective looked at Archie. "This lady," said the detective, with a dry little cough, "thinks her snake is in your room, Mr. Moffam." "Snake?" "Snake's what the lady said." "My snake! My Peter!" Mme. Brudowska's voice shook with emotion. "He is here here in this room." Archie shook his head. "No snakes here! Absolutely not!

He dropped in a chair, and his fist struck the table as he said: "By God, she may do it, she may do it! But it's life and death it's life and death." Society had its sensation, and then the veil dropped. For a long time none looked behind it except Jim's father. He had too much at stake not to have his telescope upon them. A detective followed them to keep Jim's record. But this they did not know.

The police had long suspected the existence of this high-class gambling den; but it was not until they had put Muller in charge of the case, that there were any results attained. The arrests were made at the risk of permanent injury to the celebrated detective.

Brennan lighted a fresh cigarette, carefully standing its predecessor on end on Gibson's highly polished table. "When I disappeared from my office I went with my detective to 'Red Mike. We had to work carefully so as to get 'Red Mike's' complete confidence. I have been living with 'Mike' ever since and tonight he means to go through with it. He has everything ready.