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We know that in despotisms and oligarchies, where the majority are unrepresented and the few extinguish the many, independence of thought is crushed down, talent is bribed to do service to tyranny, education is confined to a privileged class and denied to the people, property is sometimes pillaged and sometimes flattered, and even virtue is degraded by lowering its field and making subservience appear to be patience and loyalty, and religion is not unfrequently made the handmaid of oppression.

The sense of local patriotism may be said in some measure to have taken the place of this feeling, though it was but a poor equivalent for it. Part Two Personality In the character of these States, whether republics or despotisms, lies, not the only, but the chief reason for the early development of the Italian. To this it is due that he was the firstborn among the sons of modern Europe.

To this territorial democracy, the real American democracy, stand opposed two other democracies the one personal and the other humanitarian each alike hostile to civilization, and tending to destroy the state, and capable of sustaining government only on principles common to all despotisms.

Without it India and other lands of ancient civilization must have remained, for all we can see, externally subject to that endless succession of wars and arbitrary despotisms which have formed the substance of their history through untold centuries, and under which neither rational and equal law nor political liberty, as we conceive them, were practicable conceptions.

He was struck by the resemblance which this nation so civilized, so thoroughly European bears in one respect to the despotisms of the East: the convulsions of the capital decide the fate of the country; Paris is the tyrant of France.

He who attempts a general history of Italy from the point of view of the despotisms, is taking a single scene for the whole drama.

The occasion is offered us now of trying whether a conscious nationality and a timely concentration of the popular will for its maintenance be possible in a democracy, or whether it is only despotisms that are capable of the sudden and selfish energy of protecting themselves from destruction.

He trusted that this government would say to the despotisms of Europe Stay on your own side of the water, and do not attempt to intermeddle with the balance of power on this continent.

There was a certain increased liberty of thought, though there were also some pretty strong obstacles to it. M. Renan has Imperial proclivities, and reminds us truly enough that despotisms are sometimes more tolerant than democracies, and that political liberty is not the same as spiritual and mental freedom, and does not always favour it.

In other words, they were to enjoy the privileges and safeguards of British subjects without yielding obedience to British law. Under popular governments the remedy for discontent is free discussion; under despotisms it is repression. In Massachusetts energetic steps were promptly taken to punish the ring-leaders in what the court now declared to be a conspiracy.