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Anger, with his two servants, who received the same instruction, were at length solemnly baptized, on Whitsunday, by the bishop of Goa, Don John d'Albuquerque; so that the church began to take possession of the most remote nation in the world, on the same day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit, descending on the apostles, gave them their mission to carry the gospel to all the people of the earth.

I suppose poor old mother Earth ought to go to the pre-Raphaelites to be taught how to dress herself!" Mercy spoke with some warmth, but Christina was not sufficiently interested to be cross. She made no answer. They were now at the part of the road which crossed the descending spur as it left the hill-side. Here they stopped again, and looked down the rocky slope.

"Cats have always been supposed to be peculiarly feminine," I said, descending. "'Twas a man that supposed it, then," retorted Aunt Philippa, beckoning to her hired boy. "Here, Jerry, put Prince away. Jerry's a good sort of boy," she confided to me as we went into the house. "I had Jim Spencer last summer and the only good thing about him was his appetite.

On descending, we find that a servant has placed for us on a superb table in one of the pretty rooms cups of delicious tea, it being the custom in all the hongs to offer the beverage to strangers at all times. A cup of the aromatic Oulong will serve to steady our nerves for the completion of the tea-lecture.

At this town we slept, and set off, the next morning, very early, for Valogne, where we dined; and in the evening, after passing a considerable extent of rich meadow land, and descending a very steep hill, the freshness of the sea air announced to us our near approach to Cherbourg, where, at the hôtel d'Angleterre, I was soon afterwards landed.

Many persons including the intrepid Bass had attempted to cross it, but in vain; the only one who succeeded even in penetrating far into that wild and rugged country was a gentleman called Caley, who stopped at the edge of an enormous precipice, where he could see no way of descending. But in 1813 three gentlemen named Wentworth, Lawson, and Blaxland succeeded in crossing.

Titus, descending from the deck, whence they had been warned by one of the mates, were on their way to their stateroom, walking with some difficulty owing to the roll of the ship. As they approached their quarters the door of a stateroom farther up the passage opened, and a head was thrust out. "Will you send a steward to me?" a man requested. "I am feeling very ill, and need assistance."

We pass from the lone desert and the mysterious twilight of Genesis to the beaten ways between Galilee and Jordan, and to the clear historic daylight of the gospel, and we hear Christ renewing the promise to the crafty Jacob, to one whom He called a son of Jacob in his after better days, 'an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. The very heart of Christ's work was unveiled in the terms of this vision: From henceforth 'ye shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. So, then, the fleeting vision was a transient revelation of a permanent reality, and a faint foreshadowing of the true communication between heaven and earth.

The point of this funnel was scarcely more than one hundred feet from the earth, and swayed like the car of a balloon descending from a great height. Dismayed by this extraordinary spectacle they hastened in doors.

But Nehushta called her back. "Come hither what else do they say?" she asked, controlling herself as best she could. "They say that the wild riders of the eastern desert are descending from the hills," answered the slave hurriedly and almost under her breath. "Every one is flying everything is in confusion I hear them even now, hurrying to and fro in the courts, the soldiers "