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He perished upon the scaffold in 1621. Bassompierre, Mém. pp. 78, 79. François Paris de Lorraine, Chevalier de Guise. Le Vassor, vol. i. p. 139. Mém. du Duc de Rohan, book i. Vie de Du Plessis-Mornay, book iii. Le Vassor, vol. i. pp. 142-152. Mézeray, vol. xi. pp. 36-38. D'Estrées, Mém. pp. 294-298. Matthieu, Hist. des Derniers Troubles, book iii. pp. 473, 474.

Speaking of this plant, Venette says that the herb which the Indian King Androphyl sent to King Antiochus was that it was so efficacious in exciting men to amorous enjoyment as to surpass in that quality, all other plants, the Indian who was the bearer of it assuring the king "qu'elle lui avait donné de la vigueur pour soixante dix embrassements," but he owned "qu'aux derniers efforts ce qu'il rendait n'était plus de semence."

"J'ai tenu a me joindre a ceux qui lui ont rendu les derniers devoirs; et j'ai charge alors votre fils aine et votre beau-frere d'etre mes interpretes aupres de vous. "A des malheurs comme celui qui vient de vous frapper il n'y a pas de consolation possible.

The Prévôts des Maréchaux took the title of Equerry-Councillors of the King, and their place on the bench of the criminal court was immediately after that of the presiding judge. L'Etoile, vol. iii. pp. 185-193. Matthieu, Hist, des Derniers Troubles, book ii. pp. 435-437. Sully, Mém. vol. v. pp. 109-121. Mézeray, vol. x. pp. 254-257. Sully, Mém. vol. v. p. 137. Sully, Mém. vol. v. pp. 139-142.

Twenty years later, Dublin was nearly deserted by the aristocracy on account of the Union. Up to that time nearly all the peers, except those really English, seem to have had residences in Dublin. "La transfusion parait avoir eu quelque succes dans ces derniers temps."

They seemed, somehow, like "les derniers fils d'une race epuisee". Though the lads were strong and healthy, yet they had all that over-sensitiveness and hanging-back which made them so lonely, yet also such close, delicate friends once their intimacy was won. Paul loved them dearly, and they him. Miriam came later. But he had come into her life before she made any mark on his.

They say that Monsieur de Maurepas, who is dying, being told that the Duc de Lauzun had brought the news of Lord Cornwallis's surrender, said, from Racine's "Mithridate" I think: Mes derniers regards out vu fuir les Romains. How Lord Chatham will frown when they meet! for, since I began my letter, the papers say that Maurepas is dead.