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"I 'ain't got a Jane, of course, so I decides to take a little look around all by myself. Well, I goes down the Chomps-Eleezy feelin' pretty good and sorta peppy and lookin' for trouble. I see all them army heroes the vets and the dentists and the S O S each with a skirt, and I passes Matthews, here, with his skirt clingin' to him like a cootie." "Cut it out, you big stiff," interposed Matthews.

The dentists both declared they could save them if we wished; but we each preferred the loss of a tooth to another such night of abject misery." Nevitt stroked his moustache with a reflective air. This was almost miraculous.

Other planetary influences on success in business are: Saturn for miners, tanners, gardeners, clowns, and beggars; Mercury for teachers, secretaries, stationers, printers, and tailors; Jupiter for clergymen, judges, lawyers, and senators; Mars for dentists, barbers, cutlers, carpenters, and apothecaries; Uranus for inventors, chemists, occultists, and others.”

No child under 16 may be employed in any acrobatic, mendicant, immoral, or dangerous occupation. SUFFRAGE, POLITICAL CONDITION, INDUSTRIAL AND PROFESSIONAL STATUS: No suffrage. Women can be justices of the peace, town clerks, and registers of probate. They cannot be notaries public. 39 women in ministry, 4 dentists, 33 journalists, 4 lawyers, 67 doctors, 1 professor, 3 bankers, 5 carpenters, etc.

They had the better qualities of American dentists. Obviously they spent their lives in meeting notorieties on inbound steamers, and made naught of it. They were middle-aged, disillusioned, tepidly polite, conscientious, and rapid. They knew precisely what they wanted and how to get it. Having got it, they raised their hats and went.

He recognized the dentists as specialists, calls them dentatores, but thinks that they should operate under the direction of a physician hence the physician should know much about teeth and especially about their preservation. He enumerates instruments that dentists should have and shows very clearly that the specialty had reached a high state of development.

In my young days dentists never did anything else but take teeth out. All I wish to know is, will you take it out or will you not?" "It's really a pity " "That's my affair, isn't it?" she stopped him, and moved towards her bonnet. "If you insist," he said quickly, "I will extract." "Well," she said, "if you don't call this insisting, what do you call insisting?

That knowing French minister, Louvois, whose power is said to have been maintained by his surpassing skill in collecting and spreading secret and swift intelligence, had in his pay various classes of unsuspected agents, dancing-masters, fencing-masters, language-masters, milliners, hairdressers and barbers dentists, he would have added, had he lived to our times; and not all Paris could have furnished him with a person better suited to his purpose than the most fashionable London dentist of the day, St.

The greatest value which the hippopotamus has, in the eyes of man, is found in its teeth, its large canine tusks being the finest ivory known, and much prized by the dentists. It keeps its colour much better, and lasts longer than any other used in the manufacture of artificial teeth. Tusks of the hippopotamus are sometimes found sixteen inches in length, and weighing as much as a dozen pounds.

The dentists who treated him were rich merchants whom one could not see at any time; one had to make an appointment. He told himself that this would never do, that he could not endure it.