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Please demolish that rumour on my authority next time you hear it, thoroughly, so they can make nothing out of the pieces." Miss Milbrey showed genuine disappointment. "I had thought, naturally " "The only member of that household I could marry is not suited to my age." Miss Milbrey was puzzled. "But, really, she's not so old." "No, not so very old.

If you attempt to do something to-day, everyone will cry out: 'What! he is going to demolish everything! If you do nothing, they will cry: 'What! he does not budge! If I were minister, which God forbid, I would say nothing and let others act I would do nothing and let others talk." Everybody, very fortunately and all ministers do not reason like this jester.

"It means, madame, that the report has spread that the queen has left the Palais Royal, carrying off the king, and the people ask to have proof to the contrary, or threaten to demolish the Palais Royal." "Oh, this time it is too much!" exclaimed the queen, "and I will prove to them I have not left."

"Be it so," replied Dick Sand. "Go, then, Bat. If the ant-hill is submerged, do not seek to enter it again. We shall try to come out as you will have done. But if the cone still emerges, strike on its top with the ax that you will take with you. We will hear you, and it will be the signal for us to demolish the top from our side. You understand?" "Yes, Mr. Dick," replied Bat.

The warships can approach, land their men upon the island, demolish Back Cup with their shells. Ker Karraje and his band will be killed to a man. Can I hesitate at a murder that will bring about the chastisement of so many crimes? I advance to the shelf and stretch forth my hand to seize the chisel. As I do so, Thomas Roch turns round. It is too late to strike. A struggle would ensue.

For of course my uncle was right, and wiser men than his nephew would have had some trouble to refute his statements. Another remarkable thing. This fossil body was not the only one in this immense catacomb. We came upon other bodies at every step amongst this mortal dust, and my uncle might select the most curious of these specimens to demolish the incredulity of sceptics.

And to preserve pure and undefiled the reverence due to the gods, he ordered the soldiers to demolish a tomb, which one of his freedmen had erected for his son out of the stones designed for the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, and to sink in the sea the bones and relics buried in it.

The people to a man now thought that it was just what Theramenes and his party had so often said, that the ships were sailing to the fortification, and concluded that they had done well to demolish it.

Consequently, our hand is not only against the nobles, but also against the rich and well-to-do bourgeois the large land-owners and capitalists; we are going to demolish their crafty feudalism from top to bottom.

Others say, they having first made the invasion, plundering and ravaging the country and suburbs, Romulus lay in ambush for them, and, having killed many of their men, took the city; but, nevertheless, did not raze or demolish it, but made it a Roman colony, and sent thither, on the Ides of April, two thousand five hundred inhabitants.