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If you really can read my thoughts I don't know whether I should be glad or sorry." "M. della Rebbia," went on Miss Lydia, with a blush, "we have only known each other for a few days. "Ah, do not say that word, Miss Nevil. I like the other far better." "Well, then, monsieur, I must tell you that without having tried to find out your secrets, I have learned some of them, and they grieve me.

So he found, by good luck, his bed, and she a time for tears. If there is not much to be said for the Via della Gatta in these days, there was even less when Ippolita was the reigning toast. Of nights, by the same token, it was not the place to choose for an after-supper walk. The watch used to go through it with swords before and daggers behind.

In the first months of 1920 I gave instructions to Italy's ambassador in Vienna, the Marquis della Torretta, to arrange a meeting between himself and Chancellor Renner, head of the Government of Vienna.

"I suppose you see a lot of pictures and music and curios and everything there." "No, what I really go for is: there's a little trattoria on the Via della Scrofa where you get the best fettuccine in the world." "Oh, I Yes. That must be nice to try that. Yes." At a quarter to ten McKelvey discovered with profound regret that his wife had a headache.

This friend, Timoteo della Vita, had been very dear to the child, had played with him and jested with him, made him toys and told him stories, and he was very full of pain at Timoteo's loss.

Within a year he conceived a profound distaste for the philosophy dominant in the schools; and though he persevered for some time, his frequent dissension from his teachers earned for him the title of 'Magister contradictionis'. After this his movements cannot be traced until 1470, when he was at Rome in the train of Cardinal Francesco della Rovere.

This last question the Professor answered with a loud and ringing "No." After a moment of silence he added, in a lower tone, another "no" as if in answer to his own thoughts. The thermometer had gone up to thirty-seven point five; more than one degree since the evening before. Should the fever increase, should there be danger of delirium, he would send at once, to Bocca della Verit

The Madonna della Rocca must surely be influenced by her petition. So Lucrezia plucked up a little courage. The activity of the walk helped her. She knew the solace of movement. And perhaps, without being conscious of it, she was influenced by the soft beauty of the evening, by the peace of the hills.

Here in the Uffizi, however, we have a Madonna and four Saints from his hand, formerly in the Church of S. Lucia de' Magnoli in the Via de' Bardi. It is a very splendid work, and certainly his masterpiece; something of Piero della Francesca's later work may perhaps be discerned there, in a certain force and energy, a sort of dry sweetness in the faint colouring that he seems to have loved.

The 29th of May was devoted to popular festivities. All the afternoon the public gardens were crowded with musicians, singers, mountebanks, and pedlars. In the evening the via della Riconoscenza, as far as the East Gate, was lit by lampstands, and at the end of a long row there was an eagle of fire holding on his breast an iron crown. Nothing was neglected to touch the national pride of Italy.