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I think the angels in heaven have just such eyes as yours, and when you look upon me so softly and kindly, my heart bounds with delight. I have dreamed of your eyes, Charles Henry; I have blushed in my sleep when I thought I had uttered a coarse curse, and you looked upon me sorrowfully. I know you cannot endure cursing, or drink, or even tobacco."

In fact his father laughed immensely at the tale. But Mother Bunker had to be assured that the stream was neither deep nor boisterous before she could laugh much. The children had all had a lovely afternoon at Mammy June's and after that day they found most of their enjoyment in running down to her cabin and playing there. This delight was shared by the Armatages too.

To-day Kasana expressed her delight at the Hebrew's return with such entire frankness and absence of reserve that the quick-tempered man rushed out of the house lest he might be tempted into some thoughtless act or word. His young guest was left to the care of his daughter and her nurse.

And Patty frowned at him. "There ought to be another subject more interesting to you than that!" "There is; but I don't dare trust myself with HER!" Mr. Bell's manner and voice were so exactly the right mixture of deferential homage and burlesque that Patty laughed in delight. "You are the DEAREST man!" she cried. He looked at her reproachfully.

Nor must the smallest preparation betray whom it is you receive. I cannot command so dear a friend as Titianus, but I appeal to his heart to carry out my wishes. "I rejoice to see you again; what delight I shall find in the whirl of confusion that I hope to find at Lochias.

By the invitation of our host he came in to visit us in the evening, and made himself very welcome by his agreeable conversation. I took great delight in wandering about the old town of Salisbury.

So the three sons did not insist, but bravely accepted the secret anxiety in which they must for a time live, renouncing the visit which would have caused them so much delight, because their father bade them do so and because his safety depended perhaps on their obedience.

It descended gently towards the stream, and within thirty yards it broke short off. The river was now not more than five feet below, and Jack bent and looked into it. Then he swung himself off the ledge, and dropped into the stream with a cry of delight. It was clear and shallow, and he stood in it barely knee-deep.

"But I understood you to say of course, women know nothing of such matters, but I understood you to say that it would be a joint advance." "Well, if the French advanced, we will say, at Verdun, and the British advanced at Ypres, even if they were hundreds of miles apart it would still be a joint advance." "Ah, I see," she cried, clapping her hands with delight.

"As the apple-tree is among the trees of the wood, so is my Beloved among the sons. I sat under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste."