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To find her was his fixed determination. But how delicately he must go about it. He could not make inquiry among his gentlemen acquaintances without speculations arising, and a name sacred to him then, passed from one to another, lightly spoken, perhaps. Then he bethought himself of the city directory; he would consult that.

While the lads were standing ready for the signal to plunge from the steep decline of greensward into the shining waters, Sir Austin called upon her to admire their beauty, and she did, and even advanced her head above his shoulder delicately. In so doing, and just as the start was given, a bonnet became visible to Richard.

And the little, fat, smiling man bending over his travelling chess board on which he moved delicately to and fro the tiny red and white men of carved ivory, now and again removing a piece and laying it aside, had done as much with as little concern to his fellow creatures from the very beginning of his terrible career.

Enrich me boundlessly with what costs you so little." So he urged, until "Well," says Silvestro, "I will do it. Rise up, Messere; take what you will." Messer Alessandro shut his eyes, and slowly rose to his feet. Having kissed the goatherd's hand, he very delicately kissed the goatherd's proffered cheek. "I am paid immeasurably, most holy one," he said. "Lead now; I will do what you desire."

As a wind, unfelt, stirs the leaves of a forest, making it rustle delicately, a whisper swept through the room. Official Egypt was dumfounded.

He had not seen her stoop. The long-bladed knife struck him in the arm, piercing flesh and vein and sinew, sticking there. Slowly he plucked it forth, and turned to her, still smiling. "You are old, madame. Do not apologize; it was not your fault." He took the knife delicately by the tip and with a little flip sent it spinning through the air and over the edge of the cliff. And he was gone.

After lying still for a few moments we got to our feet and walked delicately, like Agag, for 200 yds., until a rise in the surface showed us that we were clear of the lake. At 1.30 p.m. we climbed round a final ridge and saw a little steamer, a whaling-boat, entering the bay 2500 ft, below. A few moments later, as we hurried forward, the masts of a sailing-ship lying at a wharf came in sight.

On the other side, the pistols from the hands of Lafayette. A tiny, gold plate, delicately engraved, marked each treasure. Virginia showed him these souvenirs of her country's history. She spoke of them with breathless awe. She laughed with girlish pride. "Aren't they just grand?" Cook nodded. He felt guilty of treachery. A betrayal of Southern hospitality in this sweet girl's presence!

Still when she entered the room she moved as she should and held her head poised with a delicately fearless air. The Duchess who herself looked her best in her fine old ivory profiled way gave her a pleased smile of welcome which was almost affectionate. "What a perfect little frock!" she said. "You are delightfully pretty in it." "Is it quite right?" said Robin. "Mademoiselle chose it for me."

If for no other reason, it was no time, when one was protecting and trying to save a woman, to ask that woman for her love. Delicate as was the situation, not alone in this but in other ways, I flattered myself that I was able to deal delicately with it; and also I flattered myself that by look or sign I gave no advertisement of the love I felt for her.