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"When?" he repeated, and was breathless again in the horrible way she remembered. "I told you: I am not going to live in it at all, Mr. Gibbon." He leaned towards her, throwing himself forward on his arms that were folded upon the table; she felt his eyes glowering upon her down-bent face: "Oh, yes, Miss Deleah!" he implored.

Her little Franky crushed to death beneath the wheels of the Forcus carriage! In her heart the mother would have liked Deleah to reject the good things offered her by the Forcus hand. "Of course I am not happy!" Deleah said. "How can I be happy, mama, if you are unhappy? And poor little Franky do you think I forget him? And Bernard, and poor papa?

In the stress of their work the poor child's hour for retiring was often overlooked. "Go to bed, Franky. Go off, this minute. Mama, send Franky to bed." "Oh, go at once to bed, my darling boy." Franky, crying that he wanted to sit by Deleah and see her cut the citron peel, was removed: "I hate Bessie," he announced at the door.

The name wouldn't be yours any longer, dear, when you'd taken mine; and as for the grocer's shop " "Why, here it is!" Deleah said. "And so good-bye, Reggie." "I was coming in with you." "You can't unless I ask you." "And you're not going to? You're not very polite or kind to me, Deleah, upon my word!" "Indeed, I am very, very kind, Reggie. And that you'll say when you are wiser. And so, good-bye.

Presently, standing opposite the upright, pretty figure of his daughter, he was brawling to her what a naughty rogue she was, and calling on all to witness that he was about to make an exhibition of himself for the pleasure of his tyrant his little Deleah.

It is you that have spoilt Deleah, with petting and praising and telling her how pretty she is " "My dear Bessie!" "You don't say it in so many words, but you are always looking it at her. You are, mama! I see you doing it. And when Deda comes home I shall tell her what I think of the way she has behaved to me the sneaky way; I shan't spare her. She shall hear it all.

Your blaming him makes it worse for me to bear, not better. Somehow this thing must be done somehow, if I am to know any peace, to be able to go on. Deleah, Reggie Forcus would do anything for you. Ask Reggie Forcus to do this." "Oh, mama! No!" "My account is overdrawn at the Bank. I dare not ask for a further amount. What would these few pounds be to him?

She lost the weary air of hopelessness she had worn since Franky's death, talked cheerfully to her customers, was brisk and alert over the business she and Deleah had to do. "It is surprising that Mr. Boult, who has always insisted on having a finger in everything, should leave all this to us," she once said. "Our letter must have mortally offended him, Deleah."

"Sit down," he said, and she subsided on the bank. He stood silently by her for a minute, drawing his conclusions. "You have been frightened," he said. "Who frightened you?" "N-no one," gasped Deleah. "I ran." "From what? From whom?" And Deleah could not reply, could only feel the blessed security of his protecting presence, could only look up at him with the trusting, adoring eyes of a child.

He must feel the fragrant wind upon his cheek, the scent of delicious airs in his nostrils, must even, in spite of himself, use the eyes in his head to see what was fair and sweet and gracious. Jarvis, with his finger to his cap, retreated to his carnation-house, the entrance of which he had been guarding. "So you are leaving us?" Sir Francis began at once, stopping before Deleah.