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Other scaffolds of at least four or five stories, and painted almost all with the same fanciful brilliancy, formed the other three sides. But what was more particular in these scaffolds, they could turn, and make them change their fronts so as to present different decorations to the eye every hour.

She has to see about floral decorations wherever they are wanted, and now flowers play such an all-important part in every festivity. She will be the one to whom every one will go for instructions, and it may be her own heart will be very sore at the thought of parting with her daughter.

In fervent thanksgiving weeping women rushed upon the saint and began to kiss whatever part of the image was within reach the handles of the litter, the decorations of the pedestal, the bronze body itself. The tottering structure of wood and metal began to stagger and reel like a frail bark tossing over a sea of shrieking heads and extended arms that trembled with exaltation.

Eudora's speaking glance seemed to say, "I knew her beauty would surprise you!" and then, with the eager gayety of a little child, she began to examine the gorgeous decorations of the room. The couch rested on two sphinxes of gold and ivory, over which the purple drapery fell in rich and massive folds.

"Pay the man at once, there's a good brother," cried Mrs Harrel, "and let's hear no more of him." The two gentlemen then retired to another room, and Mrs Harrel, after praising the extreme good-nature of her brother, of whom she was very fond, and declaring that the mason's impertinence had quite frightened her, again returned to her plan of new decorations.

After those niches, or rather, tabernacles, Daniello with the aid of many assistants executed all the other very rich decorations in stucco that are to be seen in that Hall, studying at the same time over the cartoons for all that he had proposed to do in that place in the way of painting.

If you give a dinner, is it not Madeleine who not only superintends all the preparations, but invents the most beautiful decorations for the table, and out of nothing out of leaves and flowers so common that no one would have thought of culling them, yet so wonderfully arranged that every one exclaims at their picturesque effect?

"Ain't the decorations lovely," he remarked, by way of a propitiatory opening of conversation. "If it hadn't a' been for you, Maggie, them flags wouldn't a' been hung near so graceful." His divinity jerked herself round impatiently. "Oh, my goodness, I wish something else had been hung besides flags," she said with heartless meaning. Syl laughed nervously. "Oh Maggie, you are such a tease!

There were no decorations in the streets when I left her before." "True, true; and for I must return to my tidings I bring you something new." He paused and enjoyed his smile at me. "Who sings the marriage song?" he asked. "Heavens, man, I don't know! I'm not the manager. What is it to me who sings the song?" "You would like it sung in tune?" "Oh, unquestionably."

All the State institutions, the Senate, the Council of State, the Legislature, the Legion of Honor, the Soldiers' decorations, the public baths, the public buildings, the railroads, the General Staff of the National Guard, exclusive of the rank and file, the confiscated estates of the House of Orleans, all are converted into institutions for purchase and sale.