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I assure you, my dears, there have been occasions when the centre table has had beef, while we have had mutton, when I could have wept simply wept! I should like to order a meal regardless of everything but what I like lobster mayonnaise, and salmon, and veal cutlets, and ice pudding, and strawberries and cream, and fizzy lemonade.

Chuff, and we went into the other magnificent apartments. 'Pretty well to shave by, eh? says Maine to his mother-in-law. Sackville just one, and I thought the glass reflected a very smiling, pretty creature. But what's a woman at a looking-glass? Bless the little dears, it's their place. They fly to it naturally. It pleases them, and they adorn it.

To America!" Then from the abyss of the immensely deep and broad cathedra Kranitski's voice was heard, orphan-like, timid: "But will you take me with you, my dears? When you shoot off you will take me with you, will you not?" There was no answer.

Mabel and Julia did not feel at all comfortable, though Aunt Mary would not let them leave the table to go in search of the truant. 'Don't distress yourselves, my dears, said Miss Livesay; 'depend upon it, the culprit is not very far off. Nurse and cook will look after him. And so the dinner proceeded, though Mabel would much rather have gone without, had she been permitted.

Oh, ple-e-e-e-e-e-e-ase don't, Kitty darling. You make me laugh worse. It's so awfully funny!" But while Minnie laughed thus, the others looked at each other in still greater consternation, and for some time there was not one of them who knew what to say. But Lady Dalrymple again threw herself in the gap. "You need not feel at all nervous, my dears," said she, gravely.

YOU never heard them called the young gentlemen, my dears, and probably would not understand allusions to their pipe-claying their weekly accounts, but it is otherwise with me, for blue water has been a second home to me, and I have been quite a sailor. Again, with Professor Dingo." "A man of European reputation," murmured Mr. Badger.

Yet there be playful gibes that hint at gibbets; and I may confess to you here, my dears, that I left my Lord's presence with the conviction that my acquittal was but a reprieve conditioned upon the best of future good behavior. So it took another turn of the audacity screw to tune me up for the battle royal with Gilbert Stair and the pettifogger, Owen Pengarvin.

"You astonish me," said the lady, gazing as before. "Fits, and hungry too! What sort of fits?" "Oh, they don't come on frequently, besides, he's a regular child, though he seems to be fairly educated. I should like you, if possible, my dears," the general added, making slowly for the door, "to put him through his paces a bit, and see what he is good for.

"But don't wait all night. We'd best run for it." "Well, good-night," said Julie. "You have both been dears, but whether I'm steady enough to get in safely I don't know. Still, Tommy's a rock. See you again soon. Good-bye-ee!" She leaned forward. "Now, if you're good," she said to Donovan.

His wife, with a basket in her hand, is standing without the door, but a little aside, not to obstruct the view. "It does one's heart good to see them," said the vicar, "little dears!" "Yes, they ought to be dear at this time of the year," observed Mrs. Fielden, who was absorbed in the contents of the basket. "And so fresh!" "Fresh, indeed, how different from London!