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He knew, moreover, that the High Official himself was scarcely likely to dismiss a previous visitor or a present occupation any the earlier for being importuned; for he was aware of the official's antecedents, and knew that a Jack-in-office, who has shouted himself into office, is nearly always careful to be deaf to other voices than his own. Moreover, Mr. John Turner was never pressed for time.

Everly was blind and deaf to the Colonel's wish, taking his cue from his neighbour's, who had said in an undertone: "Don't stir, we are afraid of him, and you are so agreeable and nice." And the guard locked the door, saying respectfully: "No help for it, sir, I'll find you a seat." "This just too lovely; you are not going to weep over the exit of the Colonel?" said Mrs. Tompkins rapturously.

Soon after the Santal's mother brought him out his dinner and he told her what had happened about the bullocks! And she also was deaf and thought that he was complaining that the rice had no salt in it; so she answered, "Your wife gave it to me like this; I cannot say whether she put salt into it; come, eat it up."

"Let some one else have your wonderful Englishman. Good old Baron Lancret will amuse me sufficiently, my dear." "Ah, but no. The dear soul has grown quite deaf since you last saw him. I can not think of allowing it. Be a good child now. This is no plot. Sir Paul is an incurable misogynist the only man I know who would not fall in love with you.

She pressed her hands together, feeling utterly desolate, and prayed her prayer to the God of the fatherless to save her or brace her to endure. Presently Cuthbert exclaimed, "Would Master Groats, the Poticary, shelter you till this is over-past? His wife is deaf and must perforce keep counsel." "He would! I verily believe he would," exclaimed Grisell; "and no suspicion would light on him.

The things I had fought for had proved not worth the fight. Remained the PEOPLE. My fight was finished, yet something was left still to fight for the PEOPLE. But while I was discovering this one last tie to bind me to life, in my extremity, in the depths of despond, walking in the valley of the shadow, my ears were deaf to John Barleycorn.

Too much has been written by people who do not know the problems of the deaf at first hand, and I do not care to add much to it. Miss Keller's education, however, is so fundamentally a question of language teaching that it rather includes the problems of the deaf than limits itself to the deaf alone. Teachers can draw their own conclusions.

A score of juries might have decided against her, a hundred proofs controverted her decision, but she would have been deaf and blind. It is only women who accomplish miracles of reasoning like that. Ste. Marie took a long breath and he started to speak, but in the end shook his head and remained silent. Through the whirl and din of falling skies he was yet able to see the utter futility of words.

So Chester explained this to the man at his side, who sat as if deaf to what was being said. His gaze was fixed far out to sea. His lips did not now quiver, but the lines in his face were rigid. Chester beckoned to the daughter, and when she came, he said: "I think your father is not well. Perhaps he ought to go below and rest." "Father," cried the somewhat frightened girl, "what is it?

To all these inducements Michael turned a deaf ear, even to the last, a blind musician, whose 'ood playing was greatly celebrated. It was not easy to refuse these pressing inducements, which were all put before Michael with the elaborate charm of Arabic speech.