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So I held my tongue and went away. About a week afterwards I met Evans, the dispensary man, a very common fellow, who was said to be frank. "Helloa!" says he. "Doctor, you made a nice mistake about that darky at No. 709 Bedford street the other night. She had nothing but measles, after all." "Of course I knew," said I, laughing; "but you don't think I was going in for dispensary trash, do you?"

For instance, the other day I heard him talkin' to one of the darkies in the hall. The darky asked him what time he wanted the car for his drive, and anybody else in the world would have just said what time they DID want it, and that would have been all there was to it; but here's what Bibbs says, and I heard him with my own ears. 'What time do I want the car? he says.

He gazed, in a supercilious fashion, at the two whites and the dog. "Wha' foah you fellows gwine come heh foah?" he demanded, in a rich, pleasant voice, but with an unwelcome scowl upon his face. "We just want a little breakfast," answered Watson. He was holding the boy's arm, and looked the picture of a blind mendicant. The darky gave them a scornful glance.

"Bully boy!" said Younkins, admiringly. "Car' yer baggage aboard, boss?" asked the lively young darky. "Take it along," said Sandy, with a lordly air. They shook hands with Younkins once more, this time with more fervor than ever. Then the three lads filed on board the steamboat.

If they turn us out of here we'll go to the quarters; and if they burn us out of there, we'll go into the woods and throw up a shanty. As long as they leave me or a single darky on the place the weather will never trouble you, mother." "But I am afraid they will not leave you with me," replied Mrs. Gray.

The "doll-ladies," as the little darky girl had always called Sylvia's two china dolls which sat in two small chairs in front of a doll's table in one corner of the room, were both sprawling on the floor, their chairs upset, and the little table with its tiny tea-set overturned.

Any second the darky might be tackled and thrown by someone on ahead, and besides there might be individuals close at hand who had not joined in the hue and cry, but who in some way had learned that the man so badly wanted wore such-and-such distinguishing garments. It was because of this latter contingency that Trencher had not tried to slip back into Thirty-ninth Street.

I took the little roll from my pocket while up in the hay-loft, where I had gone to give Darky his last feed. It was wet, but the paper was new and strong, and had sustained no serious injury. I unrolled the bills, and was astonished to find there were not less than half a dozen of them. As they had apparently just come from the bank, they stuck together very closely.

Brinkley; "but I think they've only measurably succeeded about as temperance drinks have in place of the real strong waters." "On the boat coming up," said Mavering, "we had a troupe of genuine darky minstrels. One of them sang a song about ham that rather took me "'Ham, good old ham!

Runnion kicked him savagely, and cursed him, while the crowd murmured approval. "Le' me see him," said Lee, elbowing his way through the others. Fixing his one eye upon the wretch, he spoke impressively. "You're the first downright thief I ever seen. Was you hungry?" "No, he's got plenty," answered one of the tenderfeet, who had evidently arrived on the boat with the darky.