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"Well," he said, "the Colonel can be nasty, and he has no great reason for being fond of you already." "No?" said Winston. "Now, of course, my accession will make a difference at Silverdale, but I would consider it a friendly act if you will let me know the views of the colony." Dane looked thoughtful.

EXHAUSTED by the day's wassail, most of the men went below at an early hour, leaving the deck to the steward and two of the men remaining on duty; the mate, with Baltimore and the Dane, engaging to relieve them at midnight. At that hour, the ship now standing off shore, under short sail was to be tacked.

"Miss not them, Edward, my cousin," cried the Duke, in haste. "Send for me if danger threat thee. Ships enow await thy best in my new port of Cherbourg. And I tell thee this for thy comfort, that were I king of the English, and lord of this river, the citizens of London might sleep from vespers to prime, without fear of the Dane. Never again should the raven flag be seen by this bridge!

That comment was so far from what he had been expecting that Dane was startled out of his own gloomy thoughts. Rip's brown face was one wide smile, his black eyes danced it was plain he was honestly elated. "Get a move on, fire rockets," he urged, "or Van will blast you for fair!" Dane did move, up the ladder to the next level and out on the port ramp. What he saw below brought him up short.

Sighing he dropped his weary head on his folded arms and within seconds was asleep. Dane put the mug back on the heating unit and sat down at the other end of the table. He did not have the heart to shake Tau into wakefulness let the poor devil get a slice of bunk time, he certainly needed it after the fatigues of the past four days.

For some time Silas was mute with astonishment, then he said, "God will clear me; I know nothing about the knife being there, or the money being gone. Search me and my dwelling." The search was made, and it ended in William Dane finding the deacon's bag, empty, tucked behind the chest of drawers in Silas's chamber.

Before him were earthworks, which had been thrown up in olden wars, before Englishman or Dane had trodden these coasts. He scrambled into a deep hollow filled with snow, then out again, and up to the summit, when he saw the cause of the illumination. Before him the whole country to the southeast seemed in flames.

Dane only nodded, and when they went down together laid a kindly grasp upon his comrade's arm as he led him into the great dining-room. Every man at Silverdale was apparently there, as were most of the women, and Winston stood still a moment, very erect with shoulders square, because the posture enabled him to conceal the tremor that ran through him when he saw the smiling faces turned upon him.

Richard seized his opportunity. "Good for you!" he applauded. "Shall I open mine?" "Please. It will warm up again very quickly. It began to seem stifling." "Not much like the place where you want to build a cabin and stay alone in a storm. Or not alone. You are willing to have a dog with you. What sort of a dog?" "A Great Dane, I think. I have a friend who owns one. They are inseparable."

They sold out their road rights to Block's brother-in-law." "By the way," said Jimmy, "who's the girl in the sextette that's quit?" "Doris Dane?" said little Alec. "Say no more. So you were on that lay, too, you old fox!" his smile widened as he looked round at Rodney, and his voice turned to a crow. "Trust this solemn old bird not to miss a bet. She was some lady, all right!