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One of the special virtues of rosemary, for instance, was its ability to make old folks young again. A story is told of a gouty and crooked old queen, who sighed with longing regret to think that her young dancing-days were gone, so: "Of rosmaryn she took six pownde, And grounde it well in a stownde,"

Silk socks, heavy, gleaming, snugly encased his ankles. Upon his feet were correctly dull pumps. That the trousers were a wee bit short mattered little. In these dancing-days, trousers should not be too long. And the fit of the coat over his shoulders he carried them in a fashion unwontedly straight as he gazed at his reflection balanced the trousers' lack of length.

She threw a lonely wineglass at the fern-dish and smashed a decanter. Then she pushed off the table about a hundred dollars' worth of chinaware, and kicked her chair over backward. She had been famous for her back-kick in her public dancing-days. She howled to her maid and went into her wardrobe with both hands. She acted like a windmill in a dress-shop.

Mademoiselle Adelaide made us wear Lille thread on dancing-days that we might never want stockings to mend. She had a passion for darning. She taught us to graft also: you will find one pair of black silk grafted toe and heel. I have thought them much too precious ever to wear since. I keep them for a curiosity." "I think," said she, "I shall begin to use it now."

"I am old and rheumatic, and my dancing-days were over long ago. But either of these gay young gentlemen will be glad of so pretty a partner." "Dance with me, Clara," cried Colonel Killigrew. "No, no! I will be her partner," shouted Mr. Gascoigne. "She promised me her hand fifty years ago," exclaimed Mr. Medbourne. They all gathered round her.

"My love to you, Gito," said I, "has ever been the same, but now my dancing-days submit to reason." "Therefore," said he, laughing at me, "in the name of Socrates, I thank you, because like him, you propose to love me: Alcibiades, Encolpius, did not rise a virgin from that philosopher's side."