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"The White Lady! the White Lady has appeared in the castle!" The words ran through the halls. The dancing ceased, and the music paused in the midst of a piece begun, for the Elector himself had risen from his game of cards, and the Electress had called the Princesses from among the dancers. "The White Lady has been seen in the castle!"

Or she fixes her eyes upon her gorgeous necklace with evident gratification, satisfied that her own get-up is handsomer than the one that the others so much admire, while she soothes her injured vanity with haughty contempt for the taste of those who see so much in her rival to admire. The beat of the drum ceases, the wild song is hushed, and the dancers break rank, seeking rest.

In the very midst of the tangle of dancers was to be seen the bride in a heavy silk wedding-gown. The point of her golden hood hung far down over her face. She danced continuously. She danced with every one that asked her. Had one, however, observed the actions of the young woman, they would certainly have seemed to him hurried, agitated, almost wild.

There he passes his arm round her waist, and presently they are lost among the throng of whirling dancers, and both give themselves up for the time being to the mere delight of knowing that they are together. Two people, seeing them enter thus together, on apparently friendly terms, regard them with hostile glances.

What instruction could she, living in this out-of-the-way corner of the world, have received in the art? As for local enthusiasm, it counted for little amateurs were always so popular at home. And after all was said, what did the achievements of the great dancers really amount to? Their creations were not ranked with those of other artistic achievements.

The sweat stood in drops on his forehead, but still the bow snapped and crinkled, and the instrument continued to burst in musical explosions, while the floor shook, the windows rattled, and the lamps flared and fluttered, as the dancers chased the music on. "Heavens and arth!" said the Trapper.

The musicians made the melody gay for the Christmastime with chimes of sleighbells, and the entrance to the shadowed stairway framed the passing flushed and lively dancers, but neither George nor Miss Morgan suggested moving to join the dance. The stairway was draughty: the steps were narrow and uncomfortable; no older person would have remained in such a place.

Finally, having satisfied himself that his brother was not among the dancers, he turned away. With his usual quietness of demeanour, he crossed the vestibule, and looked into the smoking-room. Sir Eustace was not there either, and he was closing the door again when the man himself came up the passage behind him, and clapped a careless hand on his shoulder.

And then I wanted to show how it should be played; so I went to the piano and took the crank out of the tired hands of the chamberlain and ground out a whole dance. I flatter myself that the dancers enjoyed at least this one. His Majesty walked up to the piano while I was playing and said, "But, Madame, you will tire yourself; you really must stop and let some one take your place."

All Paris ran to see them, till the women were terrified, and the men disgusted. CORSE, the present manager, has of late added considerably to the attraction of the Ambigu Comique, by not only restoring it to what it was in the most brilliant days of AUDINOT, but by collecting all the best actors and dancers of the Boulevard, and improving on the plan adopted by his predecessor.