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Madame de Bearn yielded to his persuasions, and charged the duc d'Aiguillon to say to me, and even herself wrote, that she put herself entirely into my hands; and that, as soon as she was well, I might rely on her. What, I believe, finally decided this lady was, the fear that if she did not comply with what I required, I should content myself with the comtesse d'Aloigny.

The duc de la Vauguyon alone was absent. I knew beforehand that he would not come, and that it was a sacrifice which he thought himself compelled to make to the cabal. The ladies were mesdames de Bearn and d'Aloigny, with my sisters-in-law.

The comtesse de Bearn The supper Louis XV Intrigues against my presentation M. de Roquelaure The scalded foot The comtesse d'Aloigny The duc d'Aiguillon and madame de Bearn Anger of the king's daughters Madame Adelaide and the comtesse du Barry Dissatisfaction of the king M. Morand was again put in requisition, and went from me to ask madame de Bearn to come and sup at my apartments.

But mesdames received her so unsatisfactorily, that my own feelings told me, I ought not to be presented at court under her auspices. We thanked the comtesse d'Aloigny therefore, and sent her, as a remuneration, twenty thousand livres from the king. Whilst comte Jean failed on one side, the duc d'Aiguillon succeeded on another. He was someway related to madame de Bearn.

Thus then was my presentation stopped by the foot of madame de Bearn. This mischance did not dampen the zeal of my friends. On the one hand, comte Jean, after having stirred heaven and earth, met with the comtesse d'Aloigny. She consented to become my godmother immediately after her own presentation, for eighty thousand livres and the expenses of the ceremony.

Madame de Bearn was compelled to submit to the ascendancy of the marechale, but yet did not the less relax in her efforts to keep from me all other female society, she hoped that at last the king would distinguish her, and call her into his intimacy as my friend; she was not more fond of the comtesse d'Aloigny, altho' the nullity of this lady need not have alarmed her much.

But mesdames received her so unsatisfactorily, that my own feelings told me, I ought not to be presented at court under her auspices. We thanked the comtesse d'Aloigny therefore, and sent her, as a remuneration, twenty thousand livres from the king. Whilst comte Jean failed on one side, the duc d'Aiguillon succeeded on another. He was someway related to madame de Bearn.

The duc de la Vauguyon alone was absent. I knew beforehand that he would not come, and that it was a sacrifice which he thought himself compelled to make to the cabal. The ladies were mesdames de Bearn and d'Aloigny, with my sisters-in-law.

Madame de Bearn was compelled to submit to the ascendancy of the marechale, but yet did not the less relax in her efforts to keep from me all other female society, she hoped that at last the king would distinguish her, and call her into his intimacy as my friend; she was not more fond of the comtesse d'Aloigny, altho' the nullity of this lady need not have alarmed her much.

Thus then was my presentation stopped by the foot of madame de Bearn. This mischance did not dampen the zeal of my friends. On the one hand, comte Jean, after having stirred heaven and earth, met with the comtesse d'Aloigny. She consented to become my godmother immediately after her own presentation, for eighty thousand livres and the expenses of the ceremony.