United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Crowds of country people were congregated beneath, in all manner of grotesque costumes; while stalls of every description some supporting clothes, some laden with fruit, some set out with china, or glass, or articles of cutlery, or shoes, choked up the thoroughfare, to the manifest inconvenience of the few vehicles which made occasional efforts to pass.

The cost of living is considerably below that in this country; for crockery, cutlery, &c., 50 per cent. advance on home retail prices is paid, and for clothing 50 to 75 per cent. addition on old country prices, if the articles are not of Canadian manufacture.

John Bull, whom I knew very well, drove a great trade in tea, cotton goods, and bombazine, as also in hardware, all manner of cutlery, good and bad, and especially sea-coal, and was very highly respected in the City of London, of which he was twice Sheriff and once Lord Mayor.

What would our country be without its iron, without its railroads, its steam-ships, its steam-looms, its cutlery, its domestic utensils? Almost all the comforts and conveniences of civilized life are obtained by iron. You may imagine, then, the condition of the Papal States, when I state that iron is all but unknown in them. It is about as rare and as dear as the gold of Uphaz. And why is it so?

The accompanying illustrations represent four Japanese jewel cases which are exceptionally fine curios. The bamboo and the plum are designs symbolical of longevity. Spinning wheels Materials and work Little accessories Cutlery Quaint woodwork The needlewoman Old samplers.

Everything was very still. A tinkle of cutlery and a slight jingle of glasses were heard. Mr. Van Wyk's servants were laying the table for two on the veranda. "I'm afraid you give me no credit whatever for my good intentions in the matter I've spoken to you about," said Sterne. "I simply don't understand you." "Captain Whalley is a very audacious man, but he will understand that his game is up.

Among the traders' stock were knives of common sort the cheapest cutlery of Sheffield; guns and pistols of the Brummagem brand, with beads, looking glasses, and such-like notions from the New England Boston.

It would be, on the most selfish view of the case, far better for us that the people of India were well governed and independent of us, than ill governed and subject to us; that they were ruled by their own kings, but wearing our broadcloth, and working with our cutlery, than that they were performing their salams to English collectors and English magistrates, but were too ignorant to value, or too poor to buy, English manufactures.

If Wilcox and Curtiss and the Rockwell family were only guaranteed fifty years more of life they would own the State of Connecticut. Rockwell was discoursing upon pocket cutlery, and as it was a subject about which I knew nothing, I took a back seat.

The qualities of the material have changed, too, Sheffield cutlers and those of other places vying with one another. The cutlery trade has long drifted north, although at one time the members of the London Cutlers' Company were proud of the quality of their goods, and boasted of their knives being "London made, haft and blade."