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Curio had in the first months of his tribunate of the people played the independent republican, and had as such thundered both against Caesar and against Pompeius.

"What charming rooms," exclaimed Madam, trailing languidly from one to the other, touching a book here, some exquisite curio there, the carved ivory toilet articles on the dresser. The morning sunlight, tempered by the green and white awnings at the great bowed-windows filled the tastefully decorated rooms with a restful glow. They were beautiful rooms in every sense of the word.

Latin: Cicero, Quintilian, Martianus Capella, Curio Fortunatus, Mario Victorino, Victore, Emporio, Augustino, Ruffinus, Trapezuntius, P. Ramus, L. Vives, Soarez, J. C. Scaliger, Sturm, Strebaeus, Kechermann, Alstedius, N. Caussinus, J. G. Voss, A. Valladero." Whether Farnaby had read the works of these gentlemen through from cover to cover is another matter.

After breakfast we had many visitors, and received letters from Sir Harry and Lady Parkes, inviting us to go up to Yeddo to-morrow for a long day, to settle our future plans. Having landed, we went with the Consul to the native town, to see the curio shops, which are a speciality of the place.

Birds, which exhibit so many idiosyncrasies, appear again as utilizers of old clothes; although when a crested flycatcher weaves a long snake-skin into the fabric of its nest, it seems more from the standpoint of a curio collector as some people delight in old worn brass and blue china! There is another if less artistic theory for this peculiarity of the crested flycatcher.

She, who had made one of her early successes as the spirit of Astarte in "Manfred," was known to a later generation of playgoers as the aristocratic dowager of stately presence and incisive repartee. Her son, Fuller Mellish, was also in the cast as Curio, and when we played "Twelfth Night" in America was promoted to the part of Sebastian, my double. In London my brother Fred played it.

A collector would have paid a large sum for it, while the average citizen would refuse to have it in his house. "What an extraordinary thing," said Theydon, turning the curio round and round in his fingers. "It's wonderfully well carved," agreed Winter.

A new statehouse had been built after the fashion of new Western commonwealths, and the old Palace was now given over to curio stores and offices. Everywhere the new era compromised with the old. He passed the office of the lawyer he had come to consult, and upon one side of the sign ran the legend: + + | Despacho | | de | | Thomas M. Fitt, Licendiado. | + +

So also was Curio, one of the tribunes of the people, for whom he paid off an immense debt, and Mark Antony, who, out of friendship for Curio, had stood engaged with him for the debt.

"All is well, master," reported Long Sin when he had made his way back to the car around the corner in which Wu was waiting. Wu smiled and a moment later followed by his slave in crime entered the curio shop and passed through with great dignity into the room in the rear. As the two entered, the Tong men bowed with great respect. "Let us be enemies no more," began Wu briefly.