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Take one quart of milk and soak half a box of gelatine in it for an hour; place it on the fire and stir often. One quart of sweet cream, the yolks of four eggs beaten together with a cupful of sugar.

Serve warm with rich hot sauce. Pick over, wash and boil, a teacupful of rice; when soft drain off the water; while warm, add to it a tablespoonful of cold butter. When cool, mix with it a cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg and one of ground cinnamon. Beat up four eggs very light, whites and yolks separately; add them to the rice; then stir in a quart of sweet milk gradually.

Peter gulped down his own cupful, waved away the sandwiches that were on the tray, and took the chair opposite the one in which Cherry was sitting. The clock presently struck the half-hour, but neither spoke. Cherry's pallor, her air of fatigue and bewilderment, and the familiar setting of the old environment made her seem a child again.

"You will easily understand," resumed the speaker, "that when the King of Gee-Whiz had chopped into the rubber tree with his little gold axe, drinking awfterwards a cupful of pure caoutchouc, it did not take him long to repent of his inadvertence. The results were what I may call most extraordinary. I should judge the rubber juice to have been of very high proof indeed.

Run a teaspoon handle into the middle of it; if it comes out clean it is baked sufficiently. Six eggs half a cupful of sugar, one quart of new milk. Beat the eggs and the sugar and milk, and any extract or flavoring you like. Fill your custard cups, sift a little nutmeg or cinnamon over the tops, set them in a moderate oven in a shallow pan half filled with hot water.

Bananas, strawberries or other fruits may be used in the same way, mashing strawberries and stewing thick with powdered sugar. No. 8. Five tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate, enough cream or milk to wet it, one cupful of sugar, one egg, one teaspoonful vanilla flavoring.

Toast rounds of bread, cover them with caviar which has been seasoned with a little onion and pepper. Put on top of each a poached egg, cover with horseradish sauce, and send to the table. Grate six ears of corn. Add half cupful of milk, a half cupful of flour and two eggs, beaten separately, and a half teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper. Drop the mixture in large tablespoonfuls in hot fat.

So Hans went to vespers in the evening for the first time in his life, and, under pretense of crossing himself, stole a cupful and returned home in triumph. Next morning he got up before the sun rose, put the holy water into a strong flask, and two bottles of wine and some meat in a basket, slung them over his back, took his alpine staff in his hand, and set off for the mountains.

Two shallots, ten tarragon leaves all chopped, are put into a very small saucepan. Add a large glass of claret, a dessert-spoonful of butter, and let it all reduce together. Even a piece of meat of poor quality is much liked if it has the following sauce poured over it when served. Put a little milk, say a cupful, in a saucepan, with salt and pepper; let it heat.

2 pint cans of condensed milk 1/2 cupful of seeded raisins 1/2 pound of sugar 24 almonds that have been blanched and chopped 2 ounces of shredded citron 1/4 pound of candied cherries 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla 2 tablespoonfuls of sherry 1/2 pint of water Yolks of four eggs