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Then, overcome by excitement and temper, she burst out crying, heedless of Pierre Duprez's smiling nods of approval, and the admiring remarks he was making under his breath, such as "Brava, ma petite! C'est bien fait! c'est joliment bien dit! Mais je crois bien!" Lovisa seemed unmoved; she raised her head and looked, at Gueldmar. "Is this your answer?" she demanded.

"Je crois que non, Monsieur ." "Pourquoi n'avez vous pas du vin de Cockalorum?" said Greville, with great indignation. "C'est une chose monstrueuse. Nous sommes les invités de la grande nation Francaise; nous sommes les officiers de sa Majesté la Reine d'Angleterre; et vous n'avez pas du vin de Cockalorum!" There was enough of other wine, at all events, added Frank King.

"Je le crois bien," she said softly. Lord Saltash made a grimace. "And I am to give you up without a thought to this bounder?" "You would," she replied gently, "if I were yours to give." "If you were Lady Jo for instance?" he suggested. "Exactly. If I were Lady Jo." She looked at him with the faint smile still at her lips. "It won't cost you much to be generous, Charles," she said.

The man started; his arms rattled heavily, as he threw them forward, in the lowest and most respectful salute; and when he had again recovered his piece, he turned to walk his post, muttering between his teeth, "Il faut être vigilant, en vérité! je crois que nous avons l

However, he had to postpone his departure on account of a distressing and alarming disturbance of his nervous system. Mr. Haden recommended him to give up all kind of work immediately, which he did, and for a few days he only wrote short notes. "NORTHUMBERLAND STREET. Wednesday Morning. "Je suis toujours faible, mais je crois que je puis supporter le voyage aujourd'hui.

[Footnote 31: This version has, I believe, not been refuted. Still, I must look on it with suspicion. No Minister, who had done so much to stir up the war-feeling, ought to have made any such confession least of all against a lady, who could not answer it. M. Seignobos in his Political History of Contemporary Europe, vol. i. chap. vi. p. 184 (Eng edit.) says of Gramont: "He it was who embroiled France in the war with Prussia." In the course of the parliamentary inquiry of 1872 Gramont convicted himself and his Cabinet of folly in 1870 by using these words: "Je crois pouvoir déclarer que si on avait eu un doute, un seule doute, sur notre aptitude

Curiosity was now the dominant passion in that small but vivid countenance. "Est-ce toi qui l'a tue, beau soldat?" "Oui, ma mie," said Denys, as gruffly as ever he could, rightly deeming this would smack of supernatural puissance to owners of bell-like trebles. "C'est moi. Ca vaut une petite embrassade pas?" "Je crois ben. Aie! aie!" "Qu'as-tu?" "Ca pique! ca pique!"

Hamerton's indignation; the more so as he never for one moment believed the discourteous and outrageous letter to be genuine. I transcribe his explanation of the incident as given by himself to his son-in-law: "Novembre 17, 1890. "MON CHER FILS, Il m'est arrive de pouvoir, je crois, etre utile au maintien des bonnes relations entre les marines anglaises et francaises.

We are going to fetch our friend our friend, Mrs. Bailey; she is so charming, so delightful! We are going to fetch her because she has been spending the evening with her friends, the Wachners. That old she-devil you remember her, surely? The woman who asked you concerning your plans? It is she I fear " "Je crois que c'est ici, Monsieur?" the man turned round on his seat.

Je voudrais bien pouvoir assister au diner du Club du 12 juin; mais j'en ai quelque doute, tandis que je crois etre certain, Deo adjuvante, de pouvoir m'asseoir a notre table fraternelle le mardi 26. Je vous serre affectueusement la main. On May 28th Reeve returned to London. The entries in the Journal are of little interest, but he noted: June 12th.